The Grant-Ussher Family
Frederick Arthur Grant-Ussher
9 October 1889, in Caversham,
New Zealand
Jane Margaret (Blair)
Kaikorai Valley School
Known as Ted. Fred enlisted in the
Mounted Rifles, in the 3rd Reinforcements of the New Zealand
Expeditionary Force during World War I. He embarked for Egypt on 14
February 1915. On 22 June 1915, his father received the following
Otautau Standard and Wallace County Chronicle
22 June 1915 p5
W. N. Grant-Ussher received a letter by a recent mail from his
son, Fred, who left Otautau to join the third reinforcements, and is
now "somewhere" fighting for the Empire. No place was mentioned in the
letter, and no postmark appeared on the envelope. The letter stated:
"We are on a beach in the thick of it, the work is glorious, and I
wouldn't have missed it for worlds. I have been promoted to sergeant,
and am enjoying the life."
Fred was promoted to sergeant, forfeited his promotion in order to get
to the frontlines, was re-promoted in the Dardanelles and died on 7
July 1915, at Gallipoli.
7 July 1915, in action at
Gallipoli, Ottoman Empire, aged 26. Frederick was a sergeant in the
Otago Mounted Rifles, of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force. He is
listed as a native of Caversham, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Otautau Standard and Wallace County Chronicle
10 August 1915 p5
Killed in
The late Sergt. Fred A. Grant-Ussher, who was killed in action
at the Dardanelles on 7th July, was the second son of Mr W. N.
Grant-Ussher, of Otautau. He was born at Caversham 25 years ago, and
was educated at the Kaikorai Valley School. After leaving school, he
was engaged with his father farming on the Taieri and Edendale, and
latterly at Otautau. He was very anxious to join the Main Expeditionary
Force, but could not get away, subsequently leaving with the Third
Contingent as a mounted trooper. While he was in Egypt, he was promoted
to sergeant, but forfeited his promotion in order to get to the front
with the infantry, subsequently being re-promoted after arrival at the
Dardanelles. He was a very keen footballer, having founded the Menzies
Ferry Club, for which he played before coming to Otautau, when he
joined the Otautau club, and last season played for Orawia, of which
club he was secretary. He was a very popular young fellow all round the
district. Several relations of deceased are m the fighting line in
France and elsewhere, and he was a distant relative of the late Lord
Roberts, so that he had fighting blood in his veins.
Sadly, it was nearly two weeks after Fred's death that his family
received another letter from him, telling them how he was "at Gallipoli
and is well". The news was reported in the Otautau
Standard, with all concerned unaware that Fred was already dead.
Otautau Standard and Wallace County Chronicle
20 July 1915 p5
Mr Grant-Ussher has received news from his son, Fred, who is a sergeant in
the mounted force. He is at Gallipoli and is well.
No. 2 Outpost Cemetery in Turkey, where
Frederick is buried
New Zealand No. 2 Outpost
Cemetery, Turkey, grave B.11. His name is also inscribed on the Soldier's
Memorial in Otautau, Southland, New Zealand.
George Blair Grant-Ussher
1 April 1891, in New Zealand
Jane Margaret (Blair)
Margaret Helen Johnston in
1929 in Invercargill, New Zealand.
Margaret was born on 4 April 1899, in Invercargill, the daughter of
John Smith
Johnston and Jesse Isabella Welsh. She died on 29 July 1982, in Oamaru,
New Zealand.
Known as 'Scott". George served in World War I, leaving New Zealand with the
Reinforcements, Otago Infantry Regiment, D Company. His send-off from
Otautau is described in the Otautau Standard and Wallace County Chronicle
10 April 1917 p3
to Soldiers.
Friends from far and near assembled at Mr W. N. Grant Ussher's home on
Wednesday, 4th inst., the occasion being to give Private Geo. Grant
Ussher a hearty send-off before leaving New Zealand with the 25th
Reinforcements. Mr Ussher, snr's commodious barn was prepared and
ready, so that everyone was able to sit and enjoy the splendid social
rendered by a number of talented artists. Mr Wm. Walker, Stretton,
occupied the chair, and proceedings were opened by the singing of the
National Anthem, after which the following contributed items; Songs
Mesdames J. T. Brooker, T. H. Cupples, H. Millar aud Messrs A.
Anderson, Paul Brown, D. E. Grieve and Private J. Kerr, jnr. ;
recitation, Miss M. Willis, all receiving were merited applause. Mrs T.
H. Cupples played the accompaniments in her usual fine style. At a
suitable interval during the social, the Chairman arose and made a few
appropriate remarks about the chief object of the gathering, with which
he had much pleasure in presenting Private Ussher, on behalf of the
district residents, with a handsome wristlet watch. The audience rising
and singing 'For He's a Jolly Good Fellow.' Other gentlemen who
endorsed the Chairman's words were Messrs P. Beggs, John Dickson, A.
Robson, D. Macpherson and R. Donnelly. Private Ussher then replied,
thanking everyone present for the way in which they had attended his
send-off and also for the tine present he was the recipient of. In a
jovial way the speakor mentioned that he had been off Trentham stew for
a week and consequently was not m good form for speechifying, the
audience belying this statement with a round of applause. The younger
ladies present then attended to the serving of a fine supper, after
which Private Ussher was handed a pipe in case, which his father had
accepted from the Otautau Committee for him. Mr Ussher, snr., then
spoke and mentioned that it was unfortunate that owing to Easter
Holidays and other soldiers timetables, the two social functions, one
at his bouse and one at Otautau, had to be held on the same evening,
occasioning his son to attend one only and he to act as his
representative at the other. However, things had worked out A. I. and
everybody was apparently quite happy.
The barn was then cleared and dancing gone on with to music
supplied by Messrs J. Carrol, Paul Brown and A. Willis, while Mr F.
Marshall acted as M.C.
It proved a difficult matter during Easter week to avoid socials
to soldiers clashing one with another, aud so it happened that on
Wednesday night, when Otautau wished to have its foregathering of
friends to bid Au Rovoir to Privates George Ussher, J. Kerr and Victor
Clark, these soldiers were wanted elsewhere for similiar functions.
However, a pleasant little gathering tock place in the Town Hall, and
although from the reasons given, the attendance was not by any means up
to expectations, still the proceedings were very enjoyable, as there
was ample room for dancing. These functions in the township have
hitherto taken the form of a smoke concert, and have been exclusively
attended by the sterner sex. Wednesday's gathering was a new departure,
and the initiation of a new order which will appeal to the public, and
similiar meetings throughout the winter to departing boys are likely to
become very popular.
Private Ussher unfortunately, could not be present, and was
represented by his father. Private James Kerr was present, and assisted
in the musical part of the programme. Private Victor Clark sent an
apology for unavoidable absence at his parent's house in Kaitangata.
Mr J. Fisher acted as Chairman, and at a convenient interval, on
behalf of the Soldier's Send-off Committee, presented small mementos to
each of the three guestes, Private Ussher receiving a pipe, and
Privates Kerr and Clark a razor each. The presentation was spoken to by
the Chairman and Mr Tonkinson, and responded to by Mr Grant-Ussher,
senr., mid Private Kerr.
Musical items wore contributed by various friends, and a social
half-hour, with refreshments, enjoyed, after which dancing was again
indulged in for an hour or two.
These gatherings bid fair this winter to take the place of the
Tennis Club's Euchre Socials of a couple of years ago, and the public
may rest assured of pleasant evening's entertainment on each occassion.
13 June 1964, in New Zealand, aged 73
Mary Ann (Grant-Ussher) Crawford
25 June 1893, in New Zealand
Jane Margaret (Blair)
George Crawford on
25 March 1925 in St Andrew's Church, Otautau, Southland, New Zealand.
Otautau Standard and Wallace County Chronicle
31 March 1925 p2
At the Anglican Church, Otautau, on 25th March, 1925, Mary Ann, only
daughter of Wm. Neville Grant- Ussher, to George Crawford, Fairfax.
Otautau Standard and Wallace County Chronicle
31 March 1925 p3
An interesting marriage was solmenised in St. Andrew’s Church on
Wednesday last, when two well-known residents of the district were
joined together in Holy Matrimony. The contracting parties were Miss
Mary Ann Grant-Ussher, only daughter of Mr William Neville
Grant-Ussher, Merrivale Road, and late of Youghal, Ireland, and the
late Mrs Grant-Ussher, and Mr George Crawford, and the officiant at the
ceremony was the Vicar (Rev. G. A. Dawson). The church was very
effectively decorated, and reflected great credit on Mrs Rountree, who
made herself responsible for this. Two floral arches and a bowl were
most artistically arranged in purple (the litargical colour for the
season) and white for the occasion, and the white bell decorated with a
wreath of flowers completed a most pleasing effect. Miss Peggy Stewart
presided at the organ, playing Keble’s hymn to Gauntlett’s well-known
tune, L.Alphege, and one of Schubert’s Impromptus.
The bride wore a beautiful white figured silk morocain with a
flowing veil and coronet of orange blossoms, and carried a sheaf of
lilies. The bridesmaid, Miss Chapman, cousin of the bride, wore a
pretty white crepe de chine dress with black hat to match, and carried
a bouquet of asters. Mr Hugh Crawford assisted the bridegroom, his
The bride entered the Church on the arm of her father, who gave
her away, and the party were grouped at chancel step. The bridal party
and guests assembled in a barn at the home of the bride, which was
magnificently adorned with shrubs and flowers. The table was laden with
good things, and, although the proceedings were necessarily of a quiet
nature, the breakfast was a happy feature of the event. The Vicar
occupied the chair, and in proposing the health of the bride and
bridegroom he mentioned how very much pleasure and indeed help he had
derived from his acquaintance with the Ussher family. He emphasised the
serious nature of the event which they had seen performed, an aspect
which was sadly overlooked in an age when divorce was all too
prevalent. There would have to be mutual understanding, give and take,
if there was to be mutual happiness, which fact he illustrated by
telling a story of a rather humorous incident which occured a few years
ago. All present desired to express their good wishes for the future
happiness and health of the newly-married couple. The usual other
toasts were honoured, and the National Anthem sung at the close of the
proceedings. The happy couple motored to Invercargill en route on their
honeymoon trip. They were the recipients of many lovely, useful, and
costly gifts, which showed the esteem in which both were held. The
bride travelled in a coat frock of dark blue gabardine with blue and
grey hat to match. Congratulatory telegrams were read from many
friends, including Mr Crawford’s brothers: Robert, captain R.M.M.S.
“Aorangi”; William, station holder, Cave; Oswald, factory manager,
Eltham; and James, Government grader, at Patea. Among the guests were:
Mesdames Rooney, McKay Johnston, and Blair, the Misses Blair, Crawford,
Johnston, Wilson, and Twemlow, Messrs Blair (uncle of the bride),
McKay, Wilson, and George and William Grant-Ussher.
On their return from their honeymoon, another celebration was held in honour
of George and Mary Ann.
Otautau Standard and Wallace County Chronicle
28 April 1925 p2
Social Notes.
large and happy crowd gathered at the residence of Messrs Crawford
Bros., Fairfax, on Friday evening to welcome home Mr and Mrs George
Crawford. A very enjoyable evening was spent in dancing, while songs
were given by Messrs Hall, Smith, Crawford and Anderson. During the
evening a presentation on behalf of the Fairfax factory suppliers was
made. Mr T. F. Smith, in making it, spoke of the many sterling
qualities of Mr Crawford, and wished them health, happiness and
prosperity. Messrs Helm, Tait and Hall added their good wishes, after
which Mr Crawford replied. A plenteous supper was then partaken of, Mrs
George Crawford and Miss Crawford doing all in their power to make the
evening enjoyable. In the early hours, after dancing themselves tired,
the happy crowd sung "Auld Lang Syne" and after the usual few words all
departed for their various homes well satisfied with the evenings
George was a farmer in Fairfax, Southland. He initially farmed with his
brother, Hugh, and in 1923, when his brother joined the Southland
Farmers' Co-op, he took over the farm on his own.
Otautau Standard and Wallace County Chronicle
21 August 1923 p2
H. Crawford, of Fairfax, who, with his brother, has carried on farming
pursuits for the last few years, has taken a position with the
Southland Farmers' Co-op Association, and takes over the Otautau Agency
about the beginning of the month. Mr George Crawford will carry on the
farm in his own interests.
Known as Missy or May
William Neville Grant-Ussher
24 May 1888
Jane Margaret (Blair)
William was known as Tim.
Otautau Standard and Wallace County Chronicle
21 December 1926 p3
William Grant-Ussher was charged in the Invercargill Police
Court, last Tuesday morning, before Messrs James Ward and Noble J's P.,
with having received £49 16s 7d on terms requiring him to account for
same to the Wallace County Council, and with having fraudulently
omitted to do so.
Accused had been employed by the Wallace County Council to
oollect the dog tax in certain ridings. He collected the money all
right but kept it himself.
Constable Boyle, of Nightcaps, gave evidence as to an interview
he had with accused on November 29, when he made a statement admitting
Accused did not wish to say anything but pleaded guilty to the
charge and was committed to the Supreme Court for sentence. He was
released on bail in his own cognisance of £100 and in one
surety of £100.
1931, in New Zealand, aged 43
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