The Mason Family
Ada Doris Hood (Mason) Barton
11 January 1904, in Landour, Bengal,
13 March 1904, in Landour, Bengal,
Charles Arthur
Kate (Plumbe) Mason
Ada travelled to the United States with her parents, aboard the Columbia
which sailed from Glasgow on 24 November 1919, arriving in New York on 4
December 1919. Ada Doris Hood Mason is recorded as 15 years and 10 months
old, born in Landour, British India, last resident in Kingsley, England. She
is described as 5' 6" tall, of fair complexion, with light brown hair and
blue eyes.
Ada is also recorded entering the United States on 2 January 1930, aboard
the Arcadian (manifest)
which sailed from Hamilton, Bermuda on 31 December 1939. Doris A. H. Mason
is recorded as aged 23, born in Landour, India. She is listed as a national
of Canada, living at 11 Admiral Road, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and is in
transit in New York for three days. Doris is described as 5' 10" tall, of
fair complexion, with brown hair and blue eyes.
Michael Roy Barton in 1958, in
Vermont, United States
1 May 1978
1911: Otterbourne, Hampshire: Ada Doris Hood Mason is aged 7, born in Wf
Mitchell Street, Cocoa, Brevard county, Florida
Amy Laura Mason
21 December 1890
January 1891, in Nowshera, Bengal, India
Charles Arthur
Kate (Plumbe) Mason
6 February 1891
February 1891, in Nowshera, Bengal, India
Arthur Samuel Mason
27 March 1893, in Sabathu, Bengal,
April 1893, in Sabathu, Bengal, India
Charles Arthur
Kate (Plumbe) Mason
Arthur was commissioned as a
temporary second lieutenant in the Royal Field Artillery on 18 December 1914
(London Gazette 22 December 1914 p10929) and
promoted to temporary lieutenant on 4 March 1916 (London Gazette 7 April 1916 p3764). Arthur
relinquished his commission on 1 October 1918, on account of ill-health
caused by wounds, and was granted the honorary rank of lieutenant (London Gazette 27 September 1918 p11530).
29 October 1969, in Pompano Beach,
Florida, United States
Possibly the same Arthur Samuel
Mason who matriculated
from Keble College, Oxford University, in 1912.
1901: High
Street, Maidenhead, Berkshire
1911: Densone College, Denstone, Staffordshire: Arthur Samuel Mason,
boarder, is aged 18, born in Punjab, India
Audley Charles Mason
26 August 1894
5 September 1894, in Mussoorie,
Bengal, India
Charles Arthur
Kate (Plumbe) Mason
6 September 1894
7 September 1894, in Mussoorie,
Bengal, India
Charles Arthur Mason
27 November 1858, in Waltair, Madras,
From the Bombay Times, 18 December 1858:
"At Waltair, on the 27th Nov, the wife of Captain Mason, D A A GI of a son."
9 February 1859, in Vizagapatam,
Madras, India
Francis John Mills Mason
Jane (Morton) Mason
Balliol College, Oxford. Charles
matriculated on 17 October 1877, aged 18 and was awarded the degrees
of BA in 1881 and MA in 1884.
Balliol College Register 1832-1914 p226
*Mason, Rev.
Charles Arthur: b. Nov. 27, 1858; s.
of Major F. J. M. Mason, Indian Army; m.
Feb. 15, 1890, Laura Kate, d. of S. A. Plumbe, M.D., of Maidenhead. Issue: three sons, two daughters. Educ. St. Paul's Coll., Stony
Stratford; Balliol 1877-81 (W.H.F., A.L.S.) ; 4th Mod. Hist, and B.A.,
1881 ; M.A. 1884. Union Soc. Ordained d. 1881, p. 1882 ; Assist. Master
and Chapl., King's Coll., Taunton, 1881-6 ; Chapl., Madras Railway,
1886-7; Eccles. Estab., Dio. of Lahore, 1887; Rawal Pindi 1889; Nowshera
1889-91; Subathu and Umballa 1892-3; Allahabad 1893-5; Chunar 1896- 7;
Agra 1897-1903; Landour 1903-5; St. Mary, Benares, 1905- 7; Dio.
Inspector, Lucknow, 1900-7; Hon. Canon of Lucknow Cath. 1906-9; Curate of
St. Peter's, Southsea, 1907-8; Vicar of Otterbourne, 1909-13; Chapl. of
St. Catharine's Home for Consumptives, Ventnor, 1913-. Address:
Wollescote, Spring Hill, Ventnor, I.W.
Alumni Oxonienses: the Members of the University of
Oxford, 1715-1886 vol III p924
Charles Arthur, 2s. Francis John Mills, of Waltair, East Indies, arm.
BALLIOL COLL., matric. 17 Oct., 1877, aged 18; B.A. 1881, M.A. 1884,
chaplain Madras railway 1886, brother of Francis W. R. 1871.
Kate Plumbe on 15 February 1890, in All Saints, Malabar Hills, Bombay,
Charles Arthur Mason is recorded as the son of Francis John Mills Mason.
Laura Kate Plumbe is recorded as the daughter of Samuel Alderson Plumbe.
Colonies And India 5 March 1890 p30
Mason—Plumbe.—Feb. 15, at All
Saints', Malabar Hill, Bombay, by the Rev. A Goldwyer Lewis, Senior
Presidency Chaplain, the Rev. Charles Arthur Mason, M.A., chaplain of
Nowshera, Punjab, youngest son of Major Mason, J. P., The Firs, Warwick,
to Laura Kate, fifth daughter of the late Samuel Alderson Plumbe, M.D., of
Laura and Charles were engaged in June 1889.
Clergyman working for many years
as an Indian Government chaplain, and later at parishes in England
Charles was assistant chaplain at King's
College, Taunton, Somerset from 1881 until 1885. The headmaster at
King's College at this time was George Thomson who, in 1884, married Louisa
Plumbe, the elder sister of Charles's future wife, Laura Plumbe.
From 1886-7 George was railway chaplain in Madras, India and from 1887-1908
he was chaplain to the Bengal ecclesiastical establishment. He served in
Dagshai, Kasauli, Meean Meer and Karachi in 1887, in Rawalpindi in 1889 and
in Nowshera between 1887 and 1891. George furloughed in 1891, and served in
Sabathu 1891-4. He was Joint Chaplain, Umballa, 1891-2 and 1892-3, in
Allahabad, N.W.P., 1894-5, furloughed again 1895-7, served in Agra, N.W.P.
from 1897 until 1903, with a furlough in 1901-2. From 1902-03 he was in
Landour, N.W.P., from 1903-5, in Benares, United P. India from 1905-7. From
1906 to 1908, Charles was honorary canon of Lucknow Cathedral. After this
Charles returned to England. He was of St. Peter, Southsea, Hampshire, in
1908 and the Vicar of Otterbourne, Hampshire from 1909 until 1913. In 1913
and 1914, Charles was chaplain to St. Catharine's Home for Consumptives,
Ventnor, I.O.W., and he was curate of Binsted with Kingsley from 1916 to
1919. In 1922 Charles emigrated to Canada, serving on the Diocese or
Charles wrote a number of letters to King's College, Taunton, describing his
time there, which were published in the school magazine in 1942.
The Aluredian vol XVII no. 1 Lent 1942
The Rev.
Canon C. A. Mason is probably the best living source of information
about the early Woodard period just after the School was reopened in
1880. If there are any others who can give us information on personal
lines about those days, their contribution will be most welcome. Canon
Mason was at Balliol College, Oxford. He was ordained in 1881 and was
Chaplain at King's from then until 1885. He worked for many years in
India, some of them at Rawalpindi, after which the gallant Morgan's
famous merchant cruiser was named, and later became a Canon of Lucknow
Cathedral. After some years again in England he went in 1922 to the
Diocese of Toronto, in Canada, where he still is living at 55, Lawrence
Avenue West, Toronto 12. Tel. HU. 3411.
He has written us many letters of great interest, which will be
of remarkable value in writing a history of King's if any of us can find
time for that pleasant task when peace comes. We are very grateful to
him for all the trouble he has taken, and we hope he will continue to
search his wonderful store of memoirs and give us more accounts like
those we now print.
( l ) 2nd June, 1942 :—
I was thrilled at
receiving your budget of the prospectus of K.C.T. and the four numbers
of the "Aluredian." Moreover, I was astounded at all I read. You have,
indeed, "grown up," compared, not only with my own time, 1881-86, but
also with my short visit in 1918; when I stopped for the inside of a day
between two trains on my way back from seeing my wounded son in a
Plymouth Hospital.
Of course, in 1881, September, the School was only 11
months old. You, rightly and naturally, claim a long continuity, but in
October, 1880, the School had been closed for about 18 months. Canon
Woodard was given to understand that there were plenty of boys ready to
come back, but what parent is going to let his boys play about for an
indefinite time? In the five years we nearly reached the 100, in spite
of one epidemic of smallpox in the town, which did not touch us, only
keeping day boys away, and then scarlet fever in the School, with a few
patients: that also kept day boys away. Then about '87 the School was
closed again and re-opened after about a year, I think, with its own
College. Thomson did wonders during his time. I have told you about
this, I think. I wrote it in a covering letter to my memoir of Rev. G.
O. L. Thomson for the "Aluredian," and my words were endorsed by Dr.
Liddon. In 1918 the Head was a bachelor. He occupied the two rooms on
either side of the central tower. The one N.—which had been Dorrington's
and then Gosnell's (Math.), which was lived in, and the one S., which
was mine, kept tidy for interviews—and he slept in the room I had
between the two dormitories on the first floor. Much had been done;
there was a Chapel, unfinished, instead of the "tin tabernacle" of my
day. (We usually had about a fortnight of hot weather in June or July,
and then the altar candles, only lit on chief festivals, bowed to each
other, and we had our 11 o'clock matins in the big School), there was a
Chaplain: Thomson was Chaplain, and his title was "Assistant Chaplain,"
and some extension was made, but not much. The progress up to date is
just wonderful. By the way, there had been times of anxiety. An old boy,
while waiting in a parson's study, was playing with a "Crockford," and
found my name and address and wrote to me. I forget his name, but he was
living in the neighbourhood, I think, and was one of a Committee to try
and get more boys for the School. Also, I once, I forget just when,
offered myself for Chaplain. The Provost was inclined to forgive my
matrimonial status, but the Fellows hesitated, as they were a bit
anxious at that time. I offered to spend my days in College and to live
near. So, with all these things in my memory, I was, and am, so very
thankful to see the signs of real progress and stability.
I expect you and Mrs. Unmack have a house in one of the new
buildings: the old Head's house of Thomson days was, even in 1918,
handed over to the Matron. There were two "Houses," the Head's, who paid
a little more and got an extra supper, I think, and the School House,
which was my care: the Junior Master of the day deputised for the Head
where necessary. Our "staff" consisted of the Head, Dayson was called
Bursar, but was only a kind of secretary, and taught a little, till he
died, and was not replaced; he came from Hurst. Thomson was at Hurst,
from boy up to Second Master. It was funny to me to have a brand new
School with ready-made "traditions."
I must tell you one rather amusing story. A fond-mother came to
see Thomson, and, after preliminary remarks, said she heard that the
bread and butter was not always fresh. T. told her the ritual employed
for renewing supplies, the count, the prefect's application, and the
sending of a boy to the buttery hatch. "Well, the word used was 'mouldy'
" "Oh," said T., "I am so glad you said that, as it tells me exactly
what happened. We have a boy who has come to us from Hurstpierpoint,
where I was myself. The nickname there for a piece of bread and butter
is a 'mouldy.' E.g., "we have fresh mouldies today" and he has evidently
brought the name with him! "
Another curiosity comes back to me about those two rooms by the
tower. When there was a strong north wind, Gosnell was smoked out (when
there was a fire) and came to see me; with a strong south wind the
converse happened! I wonder if they still do this.
There are a few hieroglyphics which I cannot follow, and perhaps,
at your leisure, you could tell me. J.T.C., A.T.C., K.C.M.R.C. (index)
or R.M.C. (text). XI. and XV. are obvious, but what is XLV?
I do not know if you have any record of O.A.'s of bygone ages.
Three I remember very well. (1) Clement Molony, was in the Head's House,
but used to come to some short readings I had necessarily for our own
House, in my room on Fridays in Lent. Molony asked to be allowed to
come, and seemed interested. He was a fine character. When Thomson asked
some boys in whose presence he would not use bad language, he at once
said, "Molony, sir." He went to Woolwich, and joined the Garrison
Artillery. I met him at Karachi in 1887, when I was officiating for five
Sundays for a Chaplain on privilege leave; as he was in a tent, I put
him up in the Chaplain's house. He afterwards exchanged into a Mountain
Battery, offering chances of active service. He was, as a Captain, in
charge of the guns in the Hausa-Nagar Expedition—I forget the date, but
it was soon after our meeting. The story is told in "Where Three Empires
Meet," a book I am so sorry I did not keep, for I fear it must be out of
print now. The three are, of course, Britain, Russia and China. The
march was most difficult, some times alongside of a mountain stream,
then, when there was no room, over an adjoining hill. It is said that
some German officers were jesting about "Britain's little wars";
another, I rather think Von Molkte, said, "Well, anyway, British
officers don't go to the Front in first-class carriages!"
Molony afterwards went to Africa. He was nearly eaten by a lion,
as his shikari gave him a shot gun instead of a rifle, and the lion was
offended. M. shammed dead, and while the lion was considering the
matter, something took off his attention, and he walked off! M. was
afterwards killed in action, but when and where I never heard. (2) Basil
Molony, a younger brother; just a very ordinary school boy of the best
type. I passed him as able to swim: but he went into the Merchant
Service, and his ship went down with all hands! (3) J. M. Starky
Willimott. I knew him very well and met him when he was Assistant Priest
at S. Mary Magdalen, Munster Square. He became Vicar of S. Hilda's,
Leeds, where he died. I paid a visit a long time ago to All Saint's,
Bloxham—a School I had often played football (r.u.) against at St.
Paul's, Stoney Stratford. There I met H. R. Willimott , who was
Chaplain. He afterwards served in the late war. I did not suppose he
would remember me, and he did not. I first met him at dinner in hall:
but I wrote to him on his brother's death and had a nice letter from him
from Hambridge. I gathered that he knew all about K.C.T. and had
preached there in Chapel. That being so, you could get any more
information about J.S.W. if you wished.
I am sending your kind present to Gosnell, who was with me at
K.C.T. He afterwards went to Tasmania to a school made from a former
Theological College; I forget the name, and from there he went with his
Headmaster, name gone, of New College, Oxford, to S. Peter's College,
Adelaide, which I see from an Intercession Paper of the Fiery Cross, and
now has 320 boys. I don't know whether I told you of the ramifications
of K.C.T. personelle. G. O. L. Thomson married Lily Plumbe, daughter of
the (then late) Dr. Samuel Plumbe, of Maidenhead. The eldest brother,
also Samuel, and also M.D., had the practice. Two of Mr. Thomson's
sisters, three rather, stayed at Taunton at various times, and I married
one, Katie; Gosnell another, Annie; and Harry Thomson, Osmund's older
brother, and secretary to the Agent, G.I.P.K., Bombay, the youngest,
Ada. My dear wife died in 1937, here in Toronto. Lily died before Osmund
Thomson, Harry Thomson died at Southsea in 1906; Ada is still alive,
also Gosnell and Annie; they all lived at Bexhill-on-Sea, but were
evacuated; Gosnell was, when I heard, staying at Bridgwater with one of
their children. I told him about K.C.T. and that he should arrange to go
and see you and say I told him. I don't know whether he has done so. He
is, like me getting old, and had not been very well; but he will, I am
sure, be most interested in all those documents. A nephew and piece of
Osmund Thomson lived in his house for some time, sons of Harry Thomson
by his first wife. Harry, the nephew, went to New College, Oxford (he
was a member of the School when there), went in for I.C.S., but got the
Colonial C.S., and was for many years in the Straits Settlements. He
retired and was living in Southsea, his wife's early home. His house was
wrecked, and then he joined up with some cousins at Torquay. One day a
'plane was returning, injured, and to lighten its cargo dropped a bomb
just over their house. He, the maid serving tea, and two of the cousin's
children were killed instantly and the rest injured, but not seriously,
and they made a good recovery: but Harry's death was a great blow to the
(2) 3rd June, 1942 :—
Yes, I know Rawal Pindi well: its chief characteristic is dust. I have a photo of a march
past, in which it is almost difficult to see the troops, cavalry and
R.A. for the dust. It is sad when our young men are taken, as so many
are these days. It is consoling to know that character
goes on and that valuable training is not wasted.
Among old boys, there was one Polehampton, who became a priest,
and did wonderful slum work, I think, in Bristol, but I am not sure. I
cannot remember who told me of him; he died many years ago. He was seen
dragging chairs and tables about for his needy parishioners. Then there
was Arthur Holmes Gore; I knew his family well at Clifton. His father
was Clerk to the Magistrates. He was a born actor, and took that up as a
profession. I heard him once at the "Strand" as the Admiral in "The Flag
Lieutenant." He was a Captain in the Isle of Wight Rifles, and went to
Gallipoli, where he must have been killed. He was seen running about
without a cap, but never seen again. He was married to an actress, and
left one daughter, who was "Joan of Arc" in a travelling company. By the
way, Harry Thomson, whom I mentioned in my letter yesterday, went to
Winchester College from K.C.T.; I think it was when the school was
I spoke of one Dorrington, who preceded Gosnell as Mathematics
Master. I recall a typical scene. Enter a day boy—his name escape me,
?Webber. I think his father was an ironmonger—"Please, sir, do you know
for Mr. Dorrington?" "Talk English." "Oh, sir, you know what I mean, do
you know where Mr. Dorrington's to?"
By the way, this "Zomerzet" expression is very interesting to me: it is
a "constructio praegnans," of Acts viii., 40. A.V was found at
Azotus: but the preposition with its accusative never meant at
but always to according to
Liddel and Scott; so it means was carried away to
Azotus and found there. How much simpler the Zomerzet "were vound to Azotus"
(3) 10th June, 1942:—
Encouraged by your kind request , I am putting down a few little
things, which may interest you. Owing to the closing of the School in
1887 or thereabout, and my own absence in India, I lost touch with
nearly everyone.
My first colleague was E. W. Dorrington, I think
an Oxford man: I have entirely lost sight of him. My second was
A. W. Gosnell, of whom I have written, since there is good reason why I
should remember him. There were three Thomsons,
from Bath. Willie (Cat Major), Cyril (Cat Minor) and "Kitten." I forget
his name. I came across W. E. in 1908 or so as Vicar of Abbots Bromley,
and I fancy he may be Rector of Leigh, Stoke on Trent, as it is in the
Diocese of Lichfield, but I have only a "Clerical Directory," which does
not give antecedents. I must tell you about some of the staff of
Denstone and S. Mary's, Abbots Bromley. We had five children, and were
always glad to see their school fellows in the holidays, and they became
part of the family. Among Winnie's schoolfellows were Gladys Jacob
(M.A., Cantab) and Alice Morris. The latter became a mistress at S.
Mary's and the former a 'Master' at Denstone. The Head said the Founder
would turn in his grave if he knew it, but he thought it was better to
get a girl who could teach rather than a man, who could not. That was in
the last war. When it came to our last two, "Bobby" and "Doris," they
were respectively at Denstone and S. Mary's with "Gladys" and "Alice,"
as they always called them at home. I don't know what Bobby did, but D.
had an arrangement whereby Alice was "Alice" out of school and Miss
Morris in school! Miss Gamlin, who recently died in a good old age,
would have been shocked if she had seen Doris' father kissing one of her
King's Blog - the "voice of Kingsley the Hampshire village" contains
this gem about Charles's time as curate of Binsted with Kingsley
Mrs Barnes,
writing in 1985, noted that “he lived
there with his wife, two daughters, a son, a governess, cook,
houseman, housemaid and parlour maid...There was good stabling and a
governess cart was used by the ladies while the Vicar charged around
the parish in a dogcart pulled by ‘Mustard’, a very frisky horse.”
Charles travelled to the United States with his wife and youngest child,
Ada, then 15, aboard the Columbia
which sailed from Glasgow on 24 November 1919, arriving in New York on 4
December 1919. Charles Arthur Mason is recorded as 60 years and 11 months
old, born in Madras, British India, a clerk in holy orders, last resident in
Kingsley, England. His next of kin is his brother, Rev. Fred Mason, of The
Firs, Warwick. His final destination is stated to be Boston, Massachusetts,
to visit a friend, Rev. J. Powell, of Bordin Streeet, Boston. Charles is
described as 5' 9" tall, of fair complexion, with white hair and blue eyes.
Charles is also recorded entering the United States on 2 January 1930,
aboard the Arcadian (manifest)
which sailed from Hamilton, Bermuda on 31 December 1939. Charles A. Mason is
recorded as aged 71, born in Waltair, India. He is listed as a clergyman and
a national of Canada, living at 11 Admiral Road, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
He is in transit in New York for three days. Charles is described as 5' 10½"
tall, of fair complexion, with white hair and blue eyes.
Gravestone of Laura Kate (Plumbe) Mason
and Charles Arthur Mason in Mount Pleasant cemetery, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada
21 July 1946
Mount Pleasant cemetery, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada
1871: All Saints,
Wandsworth, Surrey
1881: 35 St.
James Square, London, Middlesex
1901: East Ferry
Road, Poplar, London
1911: Otterbourne, Hampshire: Charles Arthur Mason is aged 52, born in Walt
Near Madra Presidency, India
1914: Wollescote, Spring Hill, Ventnor, Isle of Wight (Balliol College Register 1832-1914 p226)
Mitchell Street, Cocoa, Brevard county, Florida
1929: 11 Admiral Road, Toronto, Ontario (manifest
of the Arcadian)
1942: 55 Lawrence Avenue West, Toronto, Ontario (The
Aluredian vol XVII no. 1 Lent 1942 p34)
Gerald Francis Mason
Gerald Francis Mason
30 December 1897, in Agra, Bengal,
6 February 1897, in Agra, Bengal,
Charles Arthur
Kate (Plumbe) Mason
College, Staffordshire
Gerald was sent to Denstone College in Staffordshire, in May 1910 (aged 12).
Whilst at boarding school he was a Prefect, obtained his 1st XV Colours and
was in the OTC. Gerald left Denstone in December 1914.
Gerald was commissioned as a
second lieutenant (on probation) in the 3rd Battalion, Hampshire Regiment,
on 3 February 1915 (London Gazette 2 February 1915 p1024) and
confirmed in that appointment on 20 December 1915 (London Gazette 17 December 1915 p12673). He
was promoted to lieutenant on 6 April 1916 (London Gazette 8 August 1916 p7862) and
seconded to the Machine Gun Corps on 10 April 1916 (London Gazette 29 August 1916 p8504), going
to France that September.
King's Blog - the "voice of Kingsley the Hampshire village" continues
his story:
He was in much
heavy fighting, particularly at the “push” at the Chemical Works at the
Battle of the Somme on 3 May 1917 when he was wounded in five places. He
convalesced at Menton where he wrote that he was “having an excellent
time, being billeted in a first class hotel”. On his return to duty he
was transferred to the Tank Corps but after being home on leave he was
killed riding his motorbike on 1 September, at Virginia Water.
1 September 1917, at Virginia
Water, Surrey, England
King's Blog - the "voice of Kingsley the Hampshire village" continues
his story:
After being
home on leave he was killed riding his motorbike on 1 September, at
Virginia Water. He was returning to duty.
From the Hampshire Chronicle October 1917 :
“On passing two push cycles his
machine skidded on the tarred road rendered greasy by rain. As he was
thrown off a motor car, driven by a RFC chauffeur, was coming along
and Lt. Mason’s head came in contact with the mudguard of the car,
causing a fracture of the skull and other injuries. He never recovered
consciousness and died in ten minutes at Englefield Cottage Hospital.”
The Denstonian November 1917 pp14-15
Gerald Francis Mason (Woodard) was here from 1910 until the end
of 1914. He was a Prefect and obtained his ist XV. Colours. Of course he
was in the O.T.C. He was gazetted to a commission within six weeks of
his 17th birthday, viz., Feb. 3, 1915. He was in the Hampshire Regiment,
and in a year was promoted Lieutenant. He then obtained a transfer to
the Machine-Gun Corps and went to France in September 1916. He was in
much heavy fighting until last May when he was wounded in five places.
On his return to duty he was transferred to the Tank Corps, and his
superior officer has testified to the regard in which he was held. While
home on leave he was accidentally killed while riding a motor-bicycle,
on September 1 — an inexpressibly sad termination to a brief career of
valuable service and much promise. One of his senior officers says : " I
had known him for a considerable time, having served with him in the
Regiment and the Machine Gun Corps. He endeared himself to all his
brother officers as well as to the men by his charming manner and good
comradeship, while his skill and determination in action, especially
during the attack on the Chemical Works on May 3, were most noticeable.
Headstone of Gerald Francis Mason
in St. Nicholas Old Churchyard, Kingsley, Hampshire
War memorial in the chapel at Denstone
College memorialising the name of Gerald Francis Mason
St. Nicholas Old Churchyard,
Kingsley, Hampshire (near east end of church)
King's Blog
full military funeral took place in Kingsley.
“The body, in an ‘earth coffin’,
provided by the London Necropolis Company, was fetched from Englefield
Green Mortuary by a motor ambulance.
Opposite Kingsley Vicarage it was met by a gun carriage from the RFA,
Bordon, the RFA band and a firing party from the Tank Corps…..
The Service at the Old Church and at the grave was taken by the Rev. C
Mason, Curate in charge of Kingsley and father of the deceased
Gerald's name is also memorialised
in the chapel at Denstone College.
1901: High
Street, Maidenhead, Berkshire
1911: Denstone College, Denstone, Staffordshire: Gerald Francis Mason,
boarder, is aged 13, born in "India U P Agra And Oudh Resident"
John Oscar Lawrence Mason
12 September 1899, in Sanawar, India
1 October 1899, in Sanawar, India
Charles Arthur
Kate (Plumbe) Mason
Margaret Stephanie Davidson on 15
March 1928, in Karachi, Bombay, India
John Oscar Lawrence Mason is recorded as aged 28, the son of Charles Arthur
Mason. Margaret Stephanie Davidson is recorded as aged 27, the daughter of
John Cheyne Davidson.
The Winnipeg Tribune 23 January 1928 p10
Miss Margaret Stephanie Davidson, daughter of the Ven. Archdeacon and Mrs.
Davidson of this city, is sailing, February 3, on the Olympia en route to
India, where her marriage to Capt. J. O. L. Mason, of the 2nd Punjab
regiment at Karachi, will take place.
Margaret was born on 26 December 1900, in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, the
daughter of John
Cheyne Davidson and Fanny
Maud Lewis. She died on 6 June 2004, and is buried in Saint James
cemetery, Toronto, Ontario
Peterborough, Ontario, Canada
Peterborough, Ontario, Canada
Army Officer.
John sailed for India on 7 February 1918, travelling through France (The Denstonian April 1918 p32), and was
admitted to the Indian Army as a second lieutenant on 24 December 1918 (London Gazette 4 November 1919 p13434). He
was promoted to lieutenant on 16 December 1919 (London Gazette 23 March 1920 p3541), then
to captain (provisional) on 20 December 1924 (London Gazette 20 March 1925 p1957), and
confirmed in that rank on 1 May 1925 (London Gazette 3 July 1925 p4457). He was
promoted to major on 16 December 1936 (London Gazette 29 January 1937 p625). John
was in the 3rd Battalion, 2nd Punjab Regiment of the Indian Army when he was
awarded an O.B.E. on 2 January 1939 (London Gazette 30 December 1938 p8).
known as "Bobs"
3 November 1997
Gravestone of Gravestone of John Oscar
Lawrence Mason and Margaret Stephanie (Davidson) Mason in Saint
James cemetery, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
in Saint James cemetery, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada
1901: High
Street, Maidenhead, Berkshire
1911: Denstone College, Denstone, Staffordshire: John Osker Lawrence Mason
is aged 11, born in Punjab, India
Violet Grace Mason
Charles Arthur
Kate (Plumbe) Mason
31 December 1902, aged 1
1 January 1903 in Agra, Bengal,
Winifred Kate (Mason) Revell
4 October 1895, in Belper,
Derbyshire, England
3 November 1895, in Belper,
Derbyshire, England
Charles Arthur
Kate (Plumbe) Mason
Thomas Marshall Revell on 22 April
1919, in Kingsley, Hampshire, England
Thomas was born on 12 December 1889, in East Flamborough, Ontario, Canada,
the son of Job Revell and Margaret Jane Haines. In his attestation papers
Thomas is described as 5' 9½" tall, with brown hair, hazel eyes and a fresh
complexion, and notes that the 1st and 2nd joints of the index finger on his
right hand are absent. His occupation is listed as a farmer. He was a gunner
in the Canadian artillery during the First World War, and Winifred was his
"war bride". The couple returned to Canada in August 1919 aboard the SS Adriatic.
Census and Addresses:
East Flamborough, Ontario
East Flamborough, Wentworth (South) district, Ontario
1915: 23 Powell Street, Guelph, Ontario (Attestation
1901: High
Street, Maidenhead, Berkshire
1911: Abbots Bromley, Staffordshire: Winifred Kate Mason is aged 15, born in
Belper, Derbyshire
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