The Neilson Family
Eric Reginald Bruce Neilson
![Eric Reginal Bruce Neilson](images/NeilsonERB1900.jpg) |
Eric Reginald Bruce Neilson
photo from Helen Pillerine
4 April 1900, in Sale, Victoria
Robert Charles
Cunningham Neilson
Mary (Hartrick) Neilson
Myra Eastaway on 27 November 1926, in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Myra was born on 21 August 1903 in Yarram, Victoria, Australia, the
daughter of William Norman Eastaway and Ann Maria Cocksedge. She died on
17 July 1990 in Tasmania, aged 86.
22 October 1989
Keith Arthur Neilson
![Keith Arthur Neilson](images/NeilsonKA1898.jpg) |
Keith Arthur Neilson
photo from Helen Pillerine
1898, in Sale, Victoria
Robert Charles
Cunningham Neilson
Mary (Hartrick) Neilson
Ila May Ireson on 10 August 1935, in St Mary's Church of England, Morwell,
Victoria, Australia
Argus (Melbourne, Victoria) 21 September 1935 p13
NEILSON—IRESON—On the 10th August in St Mary's Church of England Morwell
by the Rev. L. W. Benn, Keith Arthur, third son of Mrs. and the late Mr.
R. Neilson of Caulfield, to Ila May, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ??.
T. Ireson of Traralgon (Auckland papers please copy.)
Butter factory assistant
served with the Australian Imperial Force in World War I. He joined
the 14th Reinforcements of the 29th Infantry Battalion as a private on 17
September 1917. His address at this time was recorded as Traralgon,
Victoria, and his next of kin was his mother Mrs. H. M. Neilson, of
Traralgon, Victoria. Keith embarked on HMAT Ulysses
A38 from Melbourne on 22 December 1917.
Record (Traralgon, Victoria) 12 September 1919 p4
On Monday evening Private Keith Neilson, son of Mrs Neilson of
Hotham Street, Traralgon, arrived from active service, after being away
for about two years. The young soldier received a hearty welcome at the
railway station from a large number of friends, while Cr Pettit, on behalf
of the Returned Soldiers Committee, formally welcomed Private Neilson, and
the Town Band awoke the echoes with the old, yet ever new strains of
"Home, Sweet Home."
Private Neilson, with his mother and relatives, were then motored
home, where a sumptuous repast was spread in honor of the occasion. The
house was decorated with flags and bunting, and conspicuous were the
colors of the regiment to which Private Neilson was attached in France.
Cr Pettit presided, and after the National Anthem had been sung,
and all had partaken of the good things, proposed the toast of Private
Neilson. He said all were pleased and gratified to see Private Neilson
home again. It was the second welcome home he had the pleasure of being
present at in Mrs Neilson's house, and he congratulated her and the family
on having Keith back looking so well. They were all pleased their young
friend had not bodily suffered, although he had been in the region of
Amiens and other places where there was some hard fighting. Private
Neilson had gone away about two years ago determined to do his best at the
call of Empire, King and Country, and it afforded them great satisfaction
to see him safely back. It must be especially gratifying to Mrs Neilson to
have her boy home again. It spoke very highly for Mrs Neilson that three
of her sons had enlisted. As a member of the Shire Council he asked
Private Neilson to accept their thanks, and the thanks of the ratepayers,
for the services he had rendered to the Empire. It was pleasing that
Private Neilson had come back under the banner of victory and with the
knowledge that we had come out on the right side. We had liberty and
freedom as the result of the labors and sufferings of our brave men, and
the British Empire was never more united than it was now. Cr Pettit spoke
of the gallantry of the Australians, and concluded by wishing Private
Neilson long life, health and happiness.
The toast was received with musical honors and cheers.
Mr Duffy said he was very pleased to be present to congratulate
Private Neilson on his return, and also his mother and family. Three sons
of Mrs Neilson had taken part in the titanic struggle, which reflected
great credit on her. By their heroic deeds the Australians had made a name
for Australia that would never die, and had advertised her as never
before. As a result immigration from England and France would be attracted
to our shores. If they got people of the right sort, such as the parents
of the boys who had gone to the Front, Australia would be richer for the
sacrifices made by our soldiers. They also had a financial burden to bear,
and each should feel proud to help the Prime Minister to carry into effect
what was desired. The Prime Minister was the champion of the "diggers,"
and they were very fortunate indeed to have such an able man to champion
their cause in the future. No man could have acquitted himself as Mr
Hughes had done at the Peace Conference, and the result was largely due to
his tenacity of purpose, especially in regard to the Pacific Islands. Mr
Hughes had stated he would take the shortest cut to see the "diggers" got
a fair deal. He congratulated Pte. Neilson on his return, and hoped in the
future the experiences he had gone through would be for the benefit of
Australia and himself. He hoped Private Neilson would be long spared to
his mother. (Applause.)
Messrs Jordan and Chappell endorsed all that had been said, and
congratulated Private Neilson on his return, and Mrs Neilson at having him
home again.
Private Neilson was greeted with loud applause on rising to
respond. He sincerely thanked all for the welcome home given him. He had
done nothing but his duty, and although it was a bit hard at times when
the war was on, the Australian soldiers had received very great kindness
in Belgium. The latter had been as good as mothers and sisters to the
Australians. He again heartily thanked all. (Loud applause).
Mr J. W. Guest gave the toast of Mrs Neilson and family, and
congratulated them on the return of Private Neilson.
The toast was enthusiastically received with cheers and a "tiger."
Mr Hayes in supporting the toast said he felt sure Mrs Neilson and
all were very pleased to see Private Neilson back safe and sound.
Mr Riley thanked all very much on behalf of Mrs Neilson and family
for their kind remarks, and said they were all pleased and happy that
Keith had returned. (Applause.)
Mr Duffy, in eulogistic terms, proposed the toast of the Chairman,
and spoke of the high appreciation in which Cr Pettit's services were
held. He was the father of gatherings of this kind, and no man was more
capable than him. The toast was received with musical honors and cheers,
to which was added a "tiger." Cr Pettit sincerely thanked all for the
unexpected compliment. He had done his duty, and had had some jolly good
times. They never met but they departed better friends, and he hoped the
friendships cemented would last for many years. He again thanked all for
the manner in which the toast was received. (Applause.)
The singing of "God Bless Our Splendid Men" brought a very happy
gathering to a close.
The remainder of the evening was spent in music., all present
spending a most enjoyable time.
12 April 1982, in Heidleberg,
Victoria, Australia
in St John's Anglican Church,
Trafalgar, Victoria, Australia.
Robert Charles Cunningham Neilson
![Richard Charles Cunningham Neilson](images/NeilsonRCC1843.jpg) |
Robert Charles Cunningham Neilson
photo from Helen Pillerine
12 November 1843, in Tarraville, Port
Phillip district, New South Wales
May 1845, in Maneroo, New South Wales
James Neilson
Isabella (_____) Neilson
Mary Hartrick on 24 June 1884 in Christ Church, Tarraville, Victoria
Argus (Melbourne, Victoria) 27 June 1884 p1
the 24th inst., at Christ Church, Tarraville, by the Rev. H. A. Betts,
Robert C. C. Neilson of Stratford, to Minnie, youngest daughter of G. S.
Hartrick, Port Albert.
Times (Victoria) 27 June 1884 p3
That ever popular and interesting ceremony, the tying of the Gordian knot,
was performed in the Church of England, Tarraville, on Tuesday last. The
officiating minister was the Rev. H. A. Betts, the most deeply interested
parties to the contract (says the Standard)
being Mr Robert Neilson and Miss Minnie Hartrick. The bride was given away
by her brother-in-law Mr S. Symonds, and a number of friends of the happy
couple were present to wish them prosperity as they drove away in the
direction of Sale, en route to
their new home at Fernbank, near Stratford.
Robert was manager of the
Kilmany Park Estate in Sale, Victoria, in 1894.
Times (Victoria) 14 June 1884 p2
All persons found Shooting, Coursing, or otherwise TRESPASSING on the
KILMANY PARK ESTATE will be PROSECUTED without respect to persons.
May 14th, 1894.
27 February 1916, at Traralgon House,
Hotham Street, Victoria, Australia, aged 72
Record (Traralgon, Victoria) 29 February 1916 p3
We regret to chronicle the death of Mr Robert Charles C. Neilson,
husband of Mrs Neilson, of Traralgon, which sad event took place on Sunday
morning. Deceased, who was 72 years of age, was well known in the Cowwarr
district, where he resided for some years before coming to Traralgon. Of
late he had been ailing, and the last few weeks was confined to his room,
so that his death was not unexpected. The late Mr Neilson was held in high
esteem by all who knew him, and his death will be much regretted by many,
while the sympathy of a large circle of friends will be extended to Mrs
Neilson and family in their bereavement. The funeral took place yesterday,
when the remains of deceased were interred in the Traralgon Cemetery. The
burial service was read by the Rev. W. J. T. Pay, and the funeral
arrangements carried out by Messrs F. and F. Grubb.
Farmers Journal (Traralgon, Victoria) 29 February 1916 p2
Robert C. Neilson Passes.
Death claimed another familiar figure in this portion of Gippsland
on Sunday, namely, Mr. Robt Charles Neilson, of Hotham street, Traralgon,
who had attained the the advanced age of 72 years. He had been in
ill-health for a number of years. Mrs. Neilson and a family of eight sons
and daughters, nearly all grown up, survive, and have the sympathy of
friends and the public in their bereavement.
The remains were interred in the Traralgon Cemetery yesterday, when
Rev W. J. T Pay, Church of England minister, conducted the service, and F.
and E. Grubb the funeral arrangements.
The late Mr. Neilson was born in Tarraville, South Gippsland, and
was one of the first white children born in Australia. He spent all or
nearly all his life in Gippsland and was farming at Cowwarr some years
28 February 1916, in Traralgon
cemetery, Traralgon, Victoria, Australia. The grave location is NSCE-C057.
Vivian Felix Henry Neilson
![Vivian Felix Henry Neilson](images/NeilsonVFH1906.jpg) |
Vivian Felix Henry Neilson
photo from Helen Pillerine
1906, in Maffra, Victoria, Australia
Robert Charles
Cunningham Neilson
Mary (Hartrick) Neilson
Mary Henrietta Smith on 17 June 1929, in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Vivian and Mary were divorced in 1948.
Daily Bulletin (Townsville, Queensland) 13 March 1948 p4
In the Supreme Court on Friday morning before Mr. Justice R. J.
Douglas, Vivian Felix Henry Neilson proceeded against Mary Henrietta
Neilson for the dissolution of their marriage on the grounds of
desertion. Mr R. Cormack, instructed by A. E. Dean and Gillman, town
agents for S. Newman Johnson. Mt. Isa, appeared for the plaintiff, the
action being undefended.
In evidence, the plaintiff stated he was married at Melbourne on
June 17, 1929. He had lived with the defendant until December 30, when
differences arose and they separated. He resumed cohabitation with his
wife in 1938 and lived at Grafton, where a son was born. In April, 1939,
he came home from work one day and found that his wife had left taking
her clothes and personal belongings, but leaving the infant child.
Previously, there had been differences over her desire to go dancing
without the plaintiff. Since April, 1939, the plaintiff had never heard
of his wife and had never seen her except at the time of service of the
writ and petition which was done in Melbourne on January 10, 1948.
His Honour found the facts as alleged and granted a decree nisi
to be made absolute at the end of three months.
Vivian was known as "Bob"
Bulletin (Rockhampton, Queensland) 17 December 1930 p6
No Time to Pay
GRAFTON, December 16.
When Vivian Neilson was to-day fined £15, or three months, and £5,
or one month, for having two revolvers in his possession, also £7, or
three months, for stealing 15 gallons of petrol from a Coff's' Harbour
garage, he was refused time to pay, the magistrate stating that reflection
in gaol would do him good.
It was alleged Neilson had deserted from the police force in
Victoria where he was attached to the motor cycle patrol. He was supplied
with 15 gallons of petrol at Coff's Harbour where he arrived in a car,
accompanied by a woman who was not his wife, and had driven away without
Neilson had been in the Victorian police for two and a half years.
Register News-Pictorial (Adelaide, South Australia) 17 December
1930 p2
Tells Story Of Fight With Fellow Constable
GRAFTON (N.S.W.), Tuesday.— Admitting himself to be a
deserter from the Victorian Police Force, Vivian Felix Nielson appeared in
the Police Court at Grafton today. He was fined £15, in default three
months' imprisonment, and £5, in default one month, for having had two
revolvers in his posses- sion, also £7, in default three months, for
having stolen 15 gallons of petrol from Raymond's Garage, Coff's Harbour.
Nielson told the police that until a few days ago he was attached
to the Melbourne Police motor cycle patrol. According to his own evidence
he deserted from the force after having had an argument with Constable
Gower, during which he alleged that Gower fired five shots from a
Nielson said he ''had no time" for Gower, who while speaking to a
girl in Nielson's presence near Melbourne, made use of bad language. When
he spoke to Gower about it, said Nielson, Gower said, "I will shoot you
before I'll lose an argument." Gower, he said, then fired five shots, but
he did not know whether they were fired at him or not. No one was hurt.
Nielson said he knocked Gower down and took the weapon from him.
A passing swagman reported the matter to the police, and fearing
that he could be called on to give evidence against Gower, Nielson packed
up and cleared out. Nielson also told the court that he was faced with
four charges of neglect of duty. Nielson is now in Grafton jail.
1975, in Queensland, Australia
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