The Foaden Family
Alfred Harry Foaden
Alfred Harry Foaden
15 May 1856, at North Street,
Ashburton, Devon, England
John Foaden
(Dolling) Foaden
Ann Frances Tyzack on 20 February 1883, at Chelmsford House (the
residence of the bride's father), Durban, Natal
Alfred Harry Foaden is recorded as a bachelor of full age. He is a
warehouseman, resident in Durban. Mary Ann Frances Tyzack is recorded as
spinster, of full age, resident in Durban. The marriage was performed by W.
H. Mann, Congregational minister, and witnessed by R. W. Tyzack, Edw.
Pickering, Mayor of Durban, Kate Robertson, J. G. Tyzack, R. J. W. Tyzack
and E. J. Stranack.
Natal Witness 27 February 1883
At Chelmsford House Durban, the residence of the bride's father by the Rev
W H Mann, Alfred Harry second son of the late John Foaden Esq. Of
Ashburton, Devonshire, England to - Mary Ann Frances, third daughter of Mr
E W Tyzack of Durban
Draper and Mercer
(1881), Warehouseman (1883), Clerk (1885, 1887). On 8 April 1889 he was
appointed Assistant Accountant on the staff of the Engineer-in-Chief of the
Natal Government Railways with an annual salary of £225 (Natal Departmental Reports 1891-92 pC97).
On his death registration, Harry's occupation is recorded as a retired
municipal servant.
The Foaden home at 120 Madeline Road,
Photograph from Esme Fuller
Alfred generally used his middle
name, Harry. In 1890, he was a member of the Pietermaritzburg Savages
Football Club.
and Plymouth Gazette 20 April 1892 p6 col2
1892 The West Country Men in Natal held
their annual dinner in Pietermaritzburg. The guests included Col. Tucker
C.B.; L C Bastow; A H Foaden and Sergeant Bowden (11th Hussars), all from
The food included squab pie, apple dumplings, clotted cream and
junket, and the toast was 'Ye West Countrie.'
South African Sports p197 (G. A. Parker,
ALFRED H. FOADEN.—Went to Natal in 1881
and was on the executive of the Natal Wasps Football Club, also an
official of the Savages Football Club at Maritzburg and hon. secretary
of the City Sporting Club for many years. Mr. Foaden since 1892 has been
the scribe of Durban racing. Is at present secretary of the Grand Stand
Company and the Durban Gymkhana meetings. Gained his racing experience
and riding with the well-known family of Barretts of Puddaven Mews,
Totnes, Devon, and was for some years a regular attendant of the South
Devon foxhounds, under the mastership of Mr. Ross.
In 1897, Harry was a foundation member of the re-constituted Durban Turf
Club and was appointed honorary secretary pro
tem (Twentieth Century Impressions of Natal p536).
He was tangentially involved in a
lawsuit brought in 1901 against the stewards of the Durban Sporting
Club questioning the validity of their denial of a protest by a horse owner.
Harry had voluntarily withdrawn from the meeting as he had bet on the race
in question.
Harry spoke at the triumphant departure of General
Buller, returning to England after leading the forces at the Relief
of Ladysmith, at the Point, in Durban, on 20 October 1900.
Natal Volunteer Record: The Welcome pp31-2
The Secretary of the West Country
Association (Mr. A. H. Foaden) read at the Point an address showing:
The members of the Durban West Country Association cannot allow you
to return to England without expressing their indebtedness to you for your
magnificent work in Natal —work achieved under difficulties so enormous
that the success which attended it has been the marvel of the whole world.
The perseverance with which you carried out the memorable relief of
Ladysmith, and your splendid tactics in first driving the enemy out of the
Colony, and afterwards pursuing them to the very extremity of the
Transvaal has,, we may safely assert, won you the admiration of every true
Colonist. It is just a year since you left the Old Country for South
Africa, and the strain on your constitution during the past twelve months
must have been most severe. We look forward with every confidence to hear
of further honours, enhancing an already brilliant career, being conferred
upon you. We congratulate you on the successful termination of duty nobly
performed, and wish you a safe return to your home in dear old Devon.
Mr. W. H. Kinsman, chairman, West Country Association, referred to
the coincident departure, on the anniversary of the avenging of Majuba, of
Mr. Kruger from Delagoa Bay and General Buller from Durban. He hoped he
might live long to enjoy the laurels he had so nobly won.
General Buller said: I was born in the West Country, and I am glad
of it. There is no place like it. The motto of the most western county is
“One and All,” and as all you in Natal have done your best for your Colony
during the past year, so I now thank you one and all for your extreme
kindness to me today. I never shall forget your kindness.
Then departed the great General, across the Bay and over the Bar,
in a hurricane of enthusiasm standing hatless in the rain, with quiet
dignity, as he passed out of sight.
5 April 1945 in Hill Crest, Pinetown
district, Natal, South Africa, aged 88
The cause of death is listed as mitral
stenosis, of duration months, and senile decay.
6 April 1945, at Stellawood
cemetery, Durban, Natal, South Africa, aged 88. His ashes were interred on
23 May 1945 at West Street cemetery, Durban, in Block K #237.
1856: North Street, Ashburton, Devon (birth certificate)
Mulberry Cottage, Ashburton, Devon
1871: West Street, Ashburton,
1881: West Street,
Ashburton, Devon
1883: Durban, Natal (marriage
1897: 54 St Andrew's Street, Durban, Natal (Natal Almanac & Directory 1897 p137)
1899: 116 St. George's Street, Durban, Natal
1916: 88 North Ridge Road, Durban, Natal (death record of son Frank at Commonwealth
War Graves Commission)
1917: 120 Madeline Road, Durban, Natal (death notice of son
Frank in Pietermaritzburg
Estate Files GS film 001295106 image 01127)
1945: 342 Innes Road, Durban, Natal (death
Ann Easton Foaden
1841, in Ashburton, Devon, England
Eliza Foaden
North Street, Ashburton, Devon
Mulberry Cottage, Ashburton, Devon
Clara Foaden
1852, in Ashburton, Devon, England
John Foaden
(Dolling) Foaden
Draper's Assistant (1871)
24 April 1925, in Lewisham
district, London, England, aged 72
29 April 1925, in Lewisham, London,
England & Wales,
National Index of Wills and Administrations 1925 p313
Clara of 28 Westbourne-road Forest Hill Kent spinster died 24
April 1925 Probate London 8 July to Sarah Catherine Foulkes
(wife of Edward Drew Foulkes).
Effects £1229 6s. 9d.
Mulberry Cottage, Ashburton, Devon
Widecombe in the Moor, Devon
1881: Villa
Francia, Wolborough with Newton Abbot, Devon
1887: 39 St. Germains Road, Forest Hill. Kent (England
& Wales, National Index of Wills and Administrations 1887 p124)
1891: St
Germans Road, Lewisham, London
1901: St
Germans Road, Lewisham, London
1911: Lewisham,
1925: 8 Westbourne Road, Forest Hill, Kent (National
Index of Wills and Administrations 1925 p313)
Edgar Foaden
1849, in Ashburton, Devon, England
John Foaden
(Dolling) Foaden
Bank Agent
In 1878 Edgar is listed as a sub-accountant in the Calcutta agency of the
Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China (Cones and Co's Directory and Almanac 1878 Part
IV p23) and in 1879 he is listed as
officiating accountant in the same agency (Cones and Co's Directory and Almanac 1879 Part
IV p24). 1885, Edgar was the acting
agent in Bombay for the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China (The Banking Almanac 1885 p228)
The Economist 3 February 1883 p135
SIR,—The growing strength of the position of the Bank of England,
and the attitude it may in consequence be disposed to take up towards
the money market, has directed attention to the heavy payments of late
made to the Bank for Council bills. It is supposed that the proceeds of
the bills sold since the reduction of the minimum have been retained as
a set off against loans to the Indian Council, rendered necessary by the
prolonged suspension of drawings. Whether the Indian Council have taken
this means of meeting their liabilities, or whether the Home Exchequer
has made temporary advances, is of little moment to Indian finance. It
is enough that the Council must have borrowed to a very large extent in
this country, having at the same time an enormous balance in the Indian
The Government of India has speculated with its bills, and the
result is a heavy loss. But is that all? Are there not more important
points at issue? Since the viceroyalty of Lord Ripon, the surplus
Treasury funds have been locked up in the Treasury safe, instead, as
formerly, lodged in the Presidency banks, with the real, if not the
avowed, object of forcing the hands of remitters, by creating a
stringency in the Indian money markets. That we have not during the last
six months witnessed a serious panic in Calcutta is not the fault of the
Government of India. In pursuance of an unscrupulous fiscal policy, a
policy which to every experienced banker and merchant in India was as
false as it was unscrupulous, they have perverted public funds, weakened
public confidence, and unsettled and restricted trade.
In the Budget estimates for 1882-3, Major the Hon. E. Baring
estimated the Treasury balance in the fall of the year at 9 crores,
adding that the business of the country could be carried on with 8
crores, but that it was not expedient that the balance should fall below
8½ crores. In the teeth of this statement, the Treasury balances in the
beginning of December amounted to 14¼ crores.
It is generally thought that the London money market has been
directly affected by the recent enormous drawings of Council bills. It
would, I think, be difficult to prove this; but there is no doubt the
Indian money market is directly and materially affected. The action of
the Government of India in hoarding up a large amount of specie in the
vaults of Fort William produces violent fluctuations. No good that can
accrue to the Government can be sufficient recompense to the country for
a money market at the mercy of the Financial Department.—I am, &c.,
January 16, 1883. EDGAR
30 June 1886, at sea, aboard the Harbinger,
sailing from London to Melbourne, Australia, from severe inflammation of the
Herald (Melbourne, Victoria) 1 September 1886 p3
The Harbinger,
ship, under the command of Captain D.R. Bolt, arrived in the Bay this
morning, with 19 saloon, 48 second and 138 steerage passengers for
Melbourne, Adelaide, and Sydney. Her date of departure from London was
5th June, and nothing particular has transpired during the voyage, with
the exception of two deaths which occurred— one on the 30th June, when
Mr Foaden expired from severe inflammation of the brain. He had made
himself so agreeable to a large number of passengers that his disease
was much regretted. On 7th July another passenger, viz., Mr O.M. Hunt,
who had been ailing for some time,
died from anaemia. He had been attended by the ship surgeon, without
avail. Fourteen days after the ship had sailed one of the passengers of
the ship was confined of a daughter christened Florence Harbinger amidst a large number on board. For some time past it had been known that a person likely to arrive in
the colony and much inquired after ??
was on ??. This was further
strengthened upon the arrival of the
Harbinger at Queenscliffe yesterday, when Detective
Coleman had made every arrangement to closely
scrutinise the passengers on board. This took some
some time but the ?? was not found.
Edgar's effects from the voyage were sold by auction in Nelson Place,
Victoria, on October 8th.
Advertiser (Victoria) 9 October 1886 p3
Morgan’s Auction Sales.
At 2 o’Clock,
In Morgan’s Auction Room,
JOHN MORGAN under instructions from Theyre Weigall Esq., (Curator of
Intestate) Estates, and Others, T. F. Johnson will sell by auction, the
Estate of E. Foaden per Harbinger, Mrs B. Shannahan per John Elder and
the Estate of J. B. Holmes, also other and Sundry Effects.
To-day’s Catalogue includes Ladies and Gents Apparel and Underclothing,
Bags, Gold Hunter, Solid Leather Portmanteaus, Revolver in Case, Trunks,
Books, Dressing Case, Jewellery, Breech and Muzzle Loader, Hall Clock,
Cheats and a long list well worth the attention of all classes of
No Reserve.
England & Wales,
National Index of Wills and Administrations 1887 p124
Edgar. 2 March. The Will of Edgar Foaden late of Ashburton
in the County of Devon Bank Agent who died 30 June 1886 at Sea
was proved at the Principal Registry by Clara Foaden of 39 St.
Germains-road Forest Hill in the County of Kent Spinster the Sister and
Edward Drew Foulkes of 13 Fairfield-road Bow in the County of Middlesex
Officer of Inland Revenue the Executors. Personal
Estate under £1,696 4s. 9d. Resworn July 1887 £1,956
4s. 9d.
1851: North
Street, Ashburton, Devon
Mulberry Cottage, Ashburton, Devon
Edgar Foaden
Edgar Foaden (one of the twins at back)
with his siblings Frank, George and May
Photograph from Esme Fuller
Edgar was a groomsman at the wedding of
Joseph Clifford Ford and his sister May Foaden on 18 February 1911
in Durban, Natal
L to R. Lillian Tonkin, H Norman H White, Joseph Clifford Ford,
May Ford née Foaden, Edgar Foaden, Emily Winnifred Elizabeth Ford.
Front: Joyce Tyzack
photograph courtesy of Robert King
18 May 1887, at Park View, Burger
Street, Pietermaritzburg, Colony of Natal
Alfred Harry Foaden
Ann Frances (Tyzack) Foaden
Vera Winifred Blades on 5 December
1914, in St Paul's Church, Durban, Natal, South Africa
Edgar Foaden is recorded as a bachelor, of full age. He is a civil servant,
resident in Durban. Vera Winifred Blades is recorded as a spinster, of full
age, resident in Durban.The marriage was performed by Francis Robinson,
vicar of St Marys, Durban, and witnessed by Clara Blades and Rubina Cook.
Vera was born on 14 December 1891, in Johannesburg, Transvaal, the daughter
of Thomas Blades and Clara Godeson, and baptised in Johannesburg on 24
January 1892. She died from a coronary thrombosis on 27 October 1966 at
Addington Hospital, Durban, Natal, and was buried there on 29 October.
1966: 3 Ainsdale, Musgrave Road, Durban, Natal (death
Assayer in the customs
Twin brother of George
15 March 1962, in Tongaat, Natal,
South Africa
The cause of death is listed as coronary thrombosis, of duration 4 hours.
Stellawood crematorium, Durban.,
Natal , South Africa
1914: Durban, Natal (marriage
1950: 377 Acutt Avenue, Briardene, Durban, Natal (Braby's Natal Directory 1950 p109)
1962: Ainsdale, Musgrave Road, Durban, Natal (death
Eliza (Foaden) Luscombe
1823, in Ashburton, Devon, England
4 June 1823, in Ashburton, Devon,
Thomas Foaden
Ann (Easton) Foaden
Luscombe in 1847, in Exeter
district, Devon, England
1874, in Newton
Abbot district, Devon, England, aged 50
West Street, Ashburton, Devon
1851: West
Street, Ashburton, Devon
Spring Gardens, Ashburton, Devon
Ashburton, Devon
Elizabeth Grace (Foaden, Bastow) Endacott
1842, in Ashburton, Devon, England
Thomas Foaden
Susanna (Pearse) Foaden
Thomas Preston Bastow in
1892, in Newton
Abbot district, Devon, England
Thomas was born in 1841, in Ashburton, Devon, the son of Thomas Barstow and
Sarah. He married, firstly, Emma Bridgman in 1863, and Emma died in 1890.
Thomas was a bootmaker's apprentice in the 1861 census, a bootmaker in the
1871 census but by 1881, 1891, and at the time of his death, he is recorded
as a solicitor's clerk. Thomas died on 12 March 1896 in Newton
Abbot district, Devon, aged 54.
England & Wales,
National Index of Wills and Administrations 1896 p123
Thomas Preston of Ashburton Devon solicitor’s clerk died 12
March 1896 Probate Exeter 10 April to Henry Veale store manager
and Thomas Henry Veale brewer’s cashier Effects
£838 4s. 5d. resworn June 1896 £948 14s. 5d.
1851: Heavy
Head Lane, Ashburton, Devon
Heavyhead Lane, Ashburton, Devon
Ashburton, Devon
1881: East
Street, Ashburton, Devon
1891: East
Street, Ashburton, Devon
William Endacott in 1897, in
St Thomas
district, Devon, England
The marriage
license was sworn on 7 June 1897, and granted on 9 June 1897. In the
license, William Endacott is recorded as a widower of the parish of St
Thomas W, Exeter. Elizabeth Grace Bastow is recorded as a widow, of the
parish of Ashburton.
William was born in 1823, in Throwleigh, Devon and baptised there on 5
August 1823, the son of John Endacott and Elizabeth. He married, firstly,
Mary A. _____, with whom he had at least two sons, Arthur and John. Mary A
died on 28 November 1894. William's occupation is listed as a police
constable in the 1851 and 1861 census, a watchman in the 1871 census, and as
a retired metropolitan constable in 1881, 1891 and 1901. As a policeman,
William gave evidence at a number of cases at the Old Bailey - a burglary
case on 3 February 1851 (case
retried), a counterfeit
coin case at the Old Bailey on 7 May 1860, and a robbery
case on 27 February 1865. William died on 18 August 1903, aged 80, and
is buried in St Andrews churchyard, Ashburton, Devon, in section: 1884-1903
Grid: E Grave: A25 The inscription on his grave reads:
In loving memory of Mary A. Endacott Who died
28th Nov 1894 Aged 71 years
Also of William Endacott Husband of the above Who died 18th august 1903
Aged 80 years
"There shall be no more pain for the Former things are passed away"
England & Wales,
National Index of Wills and Administrations 1903 p43
William of East-street Ashburton Devonshire died 1 August 1903 Probate London
25 November to Elizabeth Grace Endacott widow Charles Coyte bank-manager
and John Deans Brown brewer Effects
£1644 13s. 5d.
Parliamentary Papers vol 63 p4 (1913)
William Endacott for Poor.
William Endacott, late of East Street, Ashburton, by his will,
dated 9th June 1903, and proved in the Principal Registry 25th November
1903, gave to his trustees all his real and personal property, upon
trust to allow his wife to receive the rents and annual profits thereof
during her natural life, and after her death to pay to the overseers of
the poor for the time being of the parish of Throwleigh in the county of
Devon, the sum of 250l. duty free out of such part of his
personal estate as might be devoted to charitable purposes, and he
directed that the said sum of 250l. should be invested by the
said overseers in Government Consols, and the income arising therefrom
for ever thereafter should be applied annually by them at their absolute
discretion in the purchase of blankets for the deserving poor residing
in the said parish of Throwleigh of good character of 55 years of age
and upwards, to be distributed on the 26th day of December in every
The executors and trustees of the will were Mrs. Elizabeth Grace
Endacott, widow; Charles Coyte, 58, Whiteford Road, Mannamead, Plymouth;
and John Deans Brown, Melbourne, Landscore Road, Teignmouth. Mrs.
Endacott is still living.
GEORGE. G. PHILLIMORE, Assistant Commissioner.
8th March 1912.
1851: Lant
Street, St. George the Martyr Southwark, Surrey
Deverell Street, Newington, Surrey
1871: Newington,
1881: West
Street, Ashburton, Devon
1891: West
Street, Ashburton, Devon
1901: East
Street, Ashburton, Devon
1903: East Street, Ashburton, Devon (England
& Wales, National Index of Wills and Administrations 1903 p43)
Draper's Assistant (1861);
Draper (1871)
1 October 1927, at the Mental
Hospital Womford, near Exeter, Devon, England, aged 84
St Andrew churchyard, Ashburton,
Devon, England
The grave, with a white marble headstone and kerb. is located in Section:
1884-1903 Grid: D Grave: L8
The inscription reads:
In affectionate rememberence of Elizabeth Grace
Endacott, widow of William Endacott died Oct 1 1927
England & Wales,
National Index of Wills and Administrations 1927 p231
Elizabeth Grace of Ashburton Devonshire widow died 1 October
1927 at the Mental Hospital Womford near Exeter Probate London
11 November to Charles Coyte bank manager and John Deans Brown brewer Effects £5584 9s. 6d.
West Street, Ashburton, Devon
1861: Lower
Union Street, Tormoham, Devon
1871: St
Anne, Westminster, Middlesex
1875: West Street, Ashburton, Devon (London Gazette 27 February 1875 p1125)
1880: West Street, Ashburton, Devon (London Gazette 25 February 1880 p1181)
1881: West
Street, Ashburton, Devon
1891: West
Street, Ashburton, Devon
1901: East
Street, Ashburton, Devon
Ashburton, Devon
- England
Birth Index (4Q1842 Newton Abbot vol 10 p136); exact place from
1851 census
- 1851 census
- England
Marriage Index (4Q1892 Newton A. vol 5b p324); Thomas birth from England
Birth Index (4Q1841 Newton Abbot vol 10 p127); Thomas 1st marriage
from England
Marriage Index (1Q1863 Newton Abbot vol 5b p208); Emma death from
England Death Index (3Q1890 Newton A. vol 5b p82); Thomas occupation
from 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891 census and England
& Wales, National Index of Wills and Administrations 1896 p123;
Thomas death from England
Death Index (1Q1896 Newton A. vol 5b p94) with exact date from England &
Wales, National Index of Wills and Administrations 1896 p123
- England Marriage
Index (2Q1897 St. Thomas vol 5b p130); marriage license at Devon,
Exeter Diocese, marriage bonds and allegations 1897; William
birth from 1891 census, and must occur before baptism; William
baptism, parents from Devon
Bishop's Transcripts Throwleigh Baptisms 1823; William first
marriage from 1891 census; Mary Ann death from memorial inscription at
memorial 257087171;
William occupation from 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891
census; William death from England
Death Index (3Q1903 Newton A. vol 5b p63) with exact date from England
& Wales, National Index of Wills and Administrations 1903 p43
and memorial inscription at
memorial 257087171;
William burial from
memorial 257087171
- 1861, 1871 census
- England
Death Index (4Q1927 Exeter vol 5b p77); exact date and place from
probate index at England
& Wales, National Index of Wills and Administrations 1927 p231,
memorial inscription at
memorial 257087099 and obituary in the Western Morning News 6 October 1927 p1
memorial 257087099
- Elizabeth Grace Foaden
Emma (Foaden) Holman
1830-1, in Ashburton, Devon, England
27 July 1831, in Ashburton, Devon,
Thomas Foaden
Ann (Easton) Foaden
Holman in 1858, in Plymouth
district, Devon, England
1884, in Newton
Abbot district, Devon, England, aged 53
West Street, Ashburton, Devon
North Street, Ashburton, Devon
Cambridge Street, Plymouth St Andrew, Devon
Ashburton, Devon
Ashburton, Devon
Frank Foaden
Frank Foaden (left) with his siblings
George, Edgar and May
Photograph from Esme Fuller
1891/2, in Pietermaritzburg, Natal
Alfred Harry Foaden
Ann Frances (Tyzack) Foaden
Frank was a private in the South
African Infantry ("B" Company, 2nd Regiment) during World War I. He served
in German West
Africa and Egypt and then in France where he died in the Battle
Delville Wood. The website A
Willow in the Wind, dedicated to Aubrey Hutchinson, a fellow soldier
of Frank's in B Company, tracks in detail the path of B Company in the days
before Delville Wood and attempts to understand why so many of the company
perished there. Another account of the tragic few days in which 2,398 of the
3,153 South Africans who entered the wood died, can be found here.
18 July 1916, aged 24, at Delville
Wood, France, on active service
Frank was reported missing after the Delville Wood action, and was declared
presumed dead on 24 April 1917
Thiepval Memorial in France where Frank
Foaden's name is inscribed
Thiepval Memorial, France. Frank's
name is found on the Pier and Face 4C. He is most likely buried in the
Delville Wood Cemetery which contains 5,493 burials, almost two-third of
which are unknown.
dated 16 May 1913, filed 17 April 1917
Estate Files film 001295106 image 01129
FRANK FOADEN of Number 120, Madeline Road, Durban, in the County of
Durban, Clerk, made this sixteenth day of May in the year of our Lord one
thousand nine hundred and thirteen.
I HEREBY revoke all Wills made by me at any time heretofore. I
appoint my mother MARY ANN FRANCES FOADEN, and JOSEPH TYZACK of Durban to
be my Executor, and direct that all my Debts and Funeral Expenses shall be
paid as soon as conveniently may be after my decease.
whole of my property, estate and effects, moveable and immoveable,
personal and real, whether in possession, reversion, remainder or
expectancy wheresoever situate. I hereby appoint my said mother MARY ANN
FRANCES FOADEN and JOSEPH TYZACK to be the executrix and executor of this
my will and the administratrix and administrator of my estate and effects
with power of substitution, and all such powers as may be necessary for
these offices.
Signed by the said Testator FRANK FOADEN in the presence of us, present at
the same time, who at his request, in his presence and in the presence of
each other, have subscribed our names as witnesses.
J. Burnett C/o Randles Bro. & Hudson
S. H. Crowder, C/o Randles Bro. & Hudson
1913: 120 Madeline Road, Durban, Natal (will)
1916: 120 Madeline Road, Durban, Natal (death notice in Pietermaritzburg
Estate Files GS film 001295106 image 01127)
George Foaden
George Foaden (one of the twins at back)
with his siblings Frank, Edgar and May
photograph from Esme Fuller
18 May 1887, at Park View, Burger
Street, Pietermaritzburg, Colony of Natal
Alfred Harry
Ann Frances (Tyzack) Foaden
Lillian was a bridesmaid at the wedding of
Joseph Clifford Ford and May Foaden on 18 February 1911 in Durban,
L to R. Lillian Tonkin, H Norman H White, Joseph Clifford Ford,
May Ford née Foaden, Edgar Foaden, Emily Winnifred Elizabeth Ford.
Front: Joyce Tyzack
photograph courtesy of Robert King
Lillian Florabelle Tonkin on 29
October 1919, in St Mary's Church, Greyville, Durban, Natal, South Africa
George Foaden is recorded as a bachelor, aged 31. He is a clerk, resident at
120 Madeline Rd, Durban. Lilian Florabelle Tonkin is recorded as a spinster,
aged 30, resident at 10th Avenue, Durban. The marriage was performed by
Francis Robinson and witnessed by H. Tonkin and L. W. Binnie and A. H.
George and Lillian signed an ante-nuptial contract on 20 October 1919 (Pietermaritzburg
Estate Files 1945 #2075 film 007869177 images 166-70).
Lillian was born in 1888 in Woollahra district, New South Wales, the
daughter of Henry Tonkin and Edith Blundell. She is likely the "Mrs. G.
Foaden" recorded living at 719 Currie Road, Durban in 1950 (Braby's Natal Directory 1950 p165).
Clerk, agent, manufacturer's
George's agency, George Foaden & Co., continued after his death, and is
recorded in 1950 in Braby's Natal Directory 1950 p662 which
Foaden, Geo. & Co., mnfrs’ agts., 19-21
London Assurance House; phone 2-2620; Box 1236; T.A., “Twinkle.”
Twin brother of Edgar
The name "Twinkle", found on George's headstone, and presumably his
nickname, was also the Telegraphic Address of his company.
8 October 1945, at the Mental
Hospital, Pretoria, Transvaal, South Africa, aged 58
The cause of death is listed as dementia
paralytica of duration 11 months with contributing cause of therapeutic
malaria of duration 19 days.
Headstone of George Foaden in Stellawood
cemetery, Durban, Natal, South Africa
11 October 1945, in Stellawood
cemetery, Durban, Natal, South Africa. The grave is located in Block Z
The headstone reads:
In Loving Memory of
my dear husband and our dear father
passed away 8th Oct. 1945,
Aged 58 years
"At Rest"
dated 20 October 1919
Estate Files 1945 #2075 film 007869177 image 165
GEORGE FOADEN, of Durban, Natal. I hereby revoke, cancel and make void all
Wills, Codicils or other testamentary dispositions made and executed by
me. I declare that I am about to be married to LILLIAN FLORABELLE TONKIN,
of Durban, and that this Will shall be of full force and effect
notwithstanding such intended marriage. I give, devise and bequeath the
whole of my estate and effects of every kind whatsoever and wheresoever
situate and nothing whatever excepted unto the said LILLIAN FLORABELLE
TONKIN. Should she predecease me, I bequesth the whole of said estate unto
the children of our marriage in equal shares.
I appoint the said LILLIAN FLORABELLE TONKIN to be Executrix of
this my Will and Administratrix of my Estate and Effects.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand at Durban aforesaid
this 20th day of October, in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine
Hundred and Nineteen.
SIGNED by the said Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the
presence of us, who at his request, in his presence and in the presence of
each other have hereto set our names as Witnesses.
"J.S. WOODHEAD" of Durban, Solicitor
Herbert Foaden
1858, in Ashburton, Devon, England
John Foaden
(Dolling) Foaden
27 October 1913, in Lewisham
district, London, England, aged 55
1 November 1913, in Lewisham,
London, England
England & Wales,
National Index of Wills and Administrations 1925 p313
Herbert of 39 St German's-road Forest Hill Kent died 27 October
1913 Administration London 14 August to Sarah Catherine Foulkes
(wife of Edward Drew Foulkes).
Effects £353 8s. 4d.
Mulberry Cottage, Ashburton, Devon
1871: West Street, Ashburton,
1881: West
Street, Ashburton, Devon
1891: St
Germans Road, Lewisham, London
1901: St
Germans Road, Lewisham, London
Lewisham, London
1913: 39 St Germans Road, Lewisham, London (National
Index of Wills and Administrations 1925 p313)
John Foaden
1814 in Ashburton, Devon, England
10 June 1814, in Ashburton, Devon,
Thomas Foaden
(Easton) Foaden
Dolling on 22 June 1843, in the parish church, Ashburton, Devon,
The marriage was witnessed by Thomas Dolling and Emma Foaden. John is
recorded as a woolcomber, a bachelor, of full age, of Ashburton, the son of
Thomas Foaden, an inn-keeper. Sarah is recorded as a spinster, of full age,
of Ashburton, the daughter of Thomas Dolling, yeoman.
Emily Collins on 11 April
1867 in St
Thomas district, Devon, England
Emily is recorded as the daughter of Charles Collins.
Emily was born in 1840, in St Martin, Exeter, Devon, the daughter of Charles
P. F. Collins and Jane. In 1891 she was employed as a housekeeper. She
married, secondly, George Atkins in 1894 in Exeter
district. George died in 1899 in Plymouth
district, aged 72. Emily died on 20 June 1932 in Plymouth
district, Devon, aged 91.
England & Wales,
National Index of Wills and Administrations 1932 p107
Emily of 1 Balmoral-place Plymouth widow died 20 June 1932
Probate London 21 July to Ralph Harry George Grace schoolmaster
Effects £3665 18s. 7d.
Census & Addresses:
Martin's Lane, St Stephen, Exeter, Devon
1851: High
Street, Allhallows Goldsmith Street, Exeter, Devon
1861: St
Leonards Terrace, St Leonard, Exeter, Devon
1871: West Street, Ashburton,
1881: West
Street, Ashburton, Devon
London Hotel, West Street, Ashburton, Devon
Alexandra Road, Plymouth, Devon
1910: Greenbank Avenue, Plymouth, Devon (Plymouth,
Tax and Valuation, 1910)
Plymouth, Devon
1932: 1 Balmoral Place, Plymouth, Devon (National
Index of Wills and Administrations 1932 p107)
Wool stapler (1841), woolcomber
(1843), then Relieving Officer (1850, 1851, 1861, 1871), Registrar of
Births, Marriages and Deaths (1871) and Stamp Distributor and Insurance
Agent. A Relieving Officer was the person responsible for the distribution
of parish relief. In 1867, John was elected as portreeve
of Ashburton, a post somewhat akin to mayor.
History, Gazetteer & Directory of Devon, 1850
North Street Foaden John, relieving officer
Old Ashburton,
citing Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 21 July
1855 p7 col4
1855 Recent Acts of Parliament required relieving
officers to visit children who had come out of the workhouse to work as
servants or apprentices. It was proposed that John Foaden's salary was
increased by £10 a year to allow for this. Not everyone on the committee
agreed with the proposal: Mr Cuming said that 'they grudged a loaf of
bread to a poor creature, whilst they were prepared to throw (money) away
in this manner.'
Mr Creagh pointed out that £90 (presumably Mr Foaden's salary) did not go
far in keeping a family and a horse - Mr Foaden needed a horse to get to
Newton Abbot every Wednesday, as there was no rail service.
Old Ashburton,
citing Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 27
November 1867 p7 col5
John, a Liberal and the Relieving Officer, was
elected as Portreeve in 1867.
The 1870
and Co.'s Commercial Directory and Gazetteer lists, in Ashburton:
Foaden John, relieving officer,
registrar of births, deaths, and marriages, and agent for the Clerical,
Medical, and General Life, and the Manchester Fire Insurance Companies,
West street
History, Gazetteer & Directory of
Devon, 1878-79 lists in Ashburton:
Foaden John, stamp distributor,
and agent for Clerical, Medical, and General Insurance Company, West
Old Ashburton,
citing Western Times 1 September 1855 p7
A dispute went to court in 1855 between W R
Whiteway and John Foaden (Thomas's son), over who was responsible for
paying for malt supplied by Mr. Whiteway.
A Mr Johnstone had left the Sun Inn in 1851, and John Foaden's parents had
taken it over. Malt had been supplied to Mr Foaden's parents, but at the
request of their son; there was also the question of how involved John and
his wife were in the running of the inn. At one stage it was asserted that
both the defendant and the the defendant's wife had assisted at the inn
during fair-days and holidays, but when Thomas Foaden, John's father, died
in 1852, the name over the door was changed from Thomas Foaden to Ann
When called to the stand John Foaden said that his father had been
landlord of the Sun Inn before the London Inn, and had always wanted to
Judgement was given for the defendant.
28 October 1878, at West Street,
Ashburton, Devon, England, aged 64
The cause of death is listed as (a) uremic poisoning from kidney disease (b)
4 November 1878, in Ashburton, Devon, England, aged 64
England & Wales,
National Index of Wills and Administrations 1879 p116
12 February. The Will of John Foaden late of Ashburton in the County of
Devon Stamp Distributor who died 28 October 1878 at Ashburton was
proved at Exeter by Emily Foaden of Ashburton Widow the Relict one of
the Executors. Personal Estate under
£450 1s. 5d.
West Street, Ashburton, Devon
1850: North Street, Ashburton, Devon (History, Gazetteer & Directory of Devon, 1850
1851: North
Street, Ashburton, Devon
1856: North Street, Ashburton, Devon (birth certificate of son Alfred)
Mulberry Cottage, Ashburton, Devon
1870: West Street, Ashburton, Devon (1870
and Co.'s Commercial Directory and Gazetteer)
1871: West Street, Ashburton,
1875: West End House, Ashburton, Devon (London Gazette 27 February 1875 p1169)
1878: West End House, Ashburton, Devon (London Gazette 27 February 1878 p1358)
1878: West Street, Ashburton, Devon (History, Gazetteer & Directory of
Devon; death certificate)
John Hannibal Foaden
1837, in Ashburton, Devon, England
19 May 1837, in Ashburton, Devon,
Thomas Foaden
Susanna (Pearse) Foaden
Elizabeth Husson on 12 September
1867, in Newton
Abbot district, Devon, England.
The marriage license was granted on 11 September 1867, to be married in
Ashburton, Devon. In the marriage license, John Hannabal Foaden is recorded
as being of full age. He is a builder, of Ashburton, Devon. Elizabeth Husson
is recorded as aged 20, of Ashburton. John "further made oath that the
consent of Edward Husson of Ashburton Spirit Merchant the Father of the said
Elizabeth Husson hath been obtained to such Marriage"
Elizabeth was born in 1846, in Ashburton, Devon, the daughter of Edward
Husson and Elizabeth Penny. She was the sister of Edward Husson, who had
married John's sister, Mary Ann, in 1864. In the 1861 census her occupation
is listed as Drapers Assistant. She died on 4 October 1917, in Newton
Abbot district, Devon, aged 70.
Old Ashburton,
citing Western Times 21 November 1846 p4
The birth of a daughter was announced to the wife
of Edward Husson, of the Globe Inn
England & Wales,
National Index of Wills and Administrations 1917 p277
Elizabeth of Sparnham Ashburton Devonshire (wife of John
Hannibal Foaden) died 4 October 1917 Administration London 23
October to the said John Hannibal Foaden contractor Effects
£87 5s. 2d.
Census & Addresses:
1851: North
Street, Ashburton, Devon
1861: North
Street, Ashburton, Devon
Ashburton, Devon
1881: West
Street, Ashburton, Devon
1891: West
Street, Ashburton, Devon
1901: West
Street, Ashburton, Devon
1911: 68
Goldhawk Road, Shepherds Bush W, London
1917: Sparnham, Ashburton, Devon (England
& Wales, National Index of Wills and Administrations 1917 p277)
Mason (1861); Builder (1867,
1881, 1891, 1911); Contractor (1871, 1891, 1901, 1911, 1917). John was also
for a time landlord of the Globe Inn, in Ashburton.
Ashburton, citing Western Times 3
March 1871 p8 col1
In 1871 James Hamlyn, woollen manufacturer, was
having a new house built to the west of Buckfastleigh. Mr J H Foaden's
tender for the work was accepted.
Ashburton, citing Exeter and Plymouth Gazette
18 August 1876 p7 col5
After the death of Edward Husson of the Globe
Inn, Mr Foaden, brother-in-law to the executor, Mr E Husson, became the
Ashburton, citing Western Times 21
August 1877 p5 col5
1877 John Foaden, builder and landlord of the
Globe Inn, successfully defended an action to recover money in a dispute
with an auctioneer over some pictures.
Ashburton, citing Exeter and Plymouth Gazette
13 September 1878 p5 col5
1878 W L Jones and Sons, wine and spirit
merchants, opened new bonded stores on Exeter Quay. The plans were by C E
Ware, and the building was erected by Mr J H Foaden of Ashburton.
The Architect 25 October 1879 p248
Tracey. —New Endowed Schools, &c., have been erected on the Down,
near Bovey Tracey, on land given by Mr. W. R. Hole, J.P., of Parke, at a
cost of about 2,600l. The buildings are of a very complete,
commodious, and substantial description. In addition to a master’s
residence, containing twelve rooms, there are ranges of dormitories, a
very large dining-room, with extensive offices, bath-room, &c., for
the accommodation of boarders and day-boarders. On the left of the main
entrance, which is central to the building, there are large class and
school rooms. The work has been executed from the designs of Mr. E. H.
Harbottle, A.R.I.B.A., of Exeter. Mr. A. Delbridge was clerk of works;
and Mr. Foaden, of Ashburton, the contractor.
Old Ashburton,
citing North Devon Journal 5 April 1883 p5
In 1883 Mr. Foaden of Ashburton was the
contractor constructing the boarding and sheds on the twenty acre site at
Bideford chosen for the Devon County Agricultural Show.
The Builder 3 October 1885 p480
foundation-stone of the new market and public buildings for the
well-known fishing town of Brixham was laid a few days ago. The site is
in the most populous part of the town, with Bolton-street, Fore-street,
Newroad, and Church-street converging upon it. The contractor’s price
for the building is about 2,500l., and the work is expected to be
completed within twelve months. The market and public buildings attached
are being built on the site of the old Naval Reservoir, made for the
convenience of the Channel Fleet when anchored in Torbay. In consequence
of the probable nature of the soil underneath the bed of the old
reservoir, it has been deemed advisable not to interfere in any way with
the original surface. Thus, instead of the usual excavations for
trenches to receive the footings, layers of Tingey’s Portland cement
concrete, 4 ft. 6 in. wide at the bottom and 2 ft. deep, have been laid
on the top of the original surface to receive the masonry foundations,
which are about 3 ft. wide. The principal facings will be of bunch-faced
limestone, with horizontal beds, pilasters, and panels of terra-cotta
brick from the Great Western Potteries; and the cornices, bands,
mouldings, and other dressings of Monk’s
Quarry Corsham stone. The Market Hall will be 100 ft. long by 39 ft.
wide, the floor of which it is proposed to lay with good adamantine
paving bricks. Immediately over the Market is the Assembly Hall, which
will seat about 750 people. Adjoining the Market is another building, on
the ground-floor of which is a large room for the use of the Justices
and for School Board meetings, &c. On the floor above is a large
room which may be used for Local Board meetings, and at the rear of this
room offices are provided for the attendants and officers. The
contractor is Mr. John H. Foaden, of Ashburton, who is represented in
the works by his foreman, Mr. John Endacott. Mr. George Soudon Bridgman,
of Torquay, is the architect.
The Builder 11 January 1890 p35
ASHBURTON. — For alterations and additions to Wood Place House and
stables, for Mr. H. M. Firth. Mr. C. G. S. Acock, architect, Ashburton :
Knight & Lear,
£439 17 0
Arscott & Wakeham, Buckfastleigh 475 0 0
J. H. Foaden,
349 0 0
(with further alterations)
(accepted) .... 407 0 0
Ashburton, citing Totnes Weekly Times
7 December 1901 p3 col4
In 1901 there were plans to demolish the 'old
High School house' in West Street, opposite Sparnham. J H Foaden, who
owned Sparnham, offered to do the work for nothing, and in addition donate
£100 to the Parish Church, which owned the building.
Ashburton, citing Exeter and Plymouth Gazette
5 September 1905 p3 col6
1905 At a meeting of the Ashburton Urban District
Council it was decided to prosecute Mr J H Foaden, himself a member of the
council, for not erecting a hoarding around a building on the site of the
Seven Stars Inn in East Street.
Old Ashburton,
citing Western Times 1 September 1855 p7
A dispute went to court in 1855 between W R
Whiteway and John Foaden (Thomas's son), over who was responsible for
paying for malt supplied by Mr. Whiteway.
A Mr Johnstone had left the Sun Inn in 1851, and John Foaden's parents had
taken it over. Malt had been supplied to Mr Foaden's parents, but at the
request of their son; there was also the question of how involved John and
his wife were in the running of the inn. At one stage it was asserted that
both the defendant and the the defendant's wife had assisted at the inn
during fair-days and holidays, but when Thomas Foaden, John's father, died
in 1852, the name over the door was changed from Thomas Foaden to Ann
When called to the stand John Foaden said that his father had been
landlord of the Sun Inn before the London Inn, and had always wanted to
Judgement was given for the defendant.
Ashburton, citing Exeter and Plymouth Gazette
15 May 1874 p7 col5
In May 1874 John Foaden, an Ashburton builder,
was fined 40s including costs (the full penalty) for boarding a train
whilst it was in motion. He had jumped off the platform at Totnes, run
across the line and tried to board 'an Ashburton carriage.' He fell, but
got up and on the second attempt got through the window of the carriage
the guard was riding in. He had pleaded guilty.
Old Ashburton,
citing North Devon Journal 5 December 1878
p7 col1
Mr. Foaden, builder of Ashburton, was involved in
a serious accident. He and his sister-in-law, Frances Husson, were driving
in a dog-cart near Highweek when a boy's hoop rolled under the horse's
legs and caused it to bolt onto the pavement. Both Mr Foaden and Miss
Husson were thrown out of the cart, and Miss Husson remained in a critical
In 1892, John was executor of his mother's estate.
England & Wales,
National Index of Wills and Administrations Wills 1892 p132
Susanna of Ashburton Devon widow died 25 January 1892 Probate London
30 May to John Hannibal Foaden contractor Effects
£1583 10s. 5d.
22 May 1924, at Sparnham, Ashburton,
Devon, England, aged 87
The Builder 11 July 1924 p74
The death
occurred recently at Ashburton, Devon, in his 88th year, of Mr. John
Hannibal Foaden, for many years a builder and contractor in the
Ashburton, citing Exeter and Plymouth Gazette
29 May 1924 p3 col4
When the Newton Abbot Board of Guardians met in
May, they unanimously decided to send a letter of condolence - John Foaden
had been a Guardian for about 38 years.
England & Wales,
National Index of Wills and Administrations 1924 p291
John Hannibal of Ashburton Devonshire died 22 May 1924 at
Sparnham Ashburton Probate London 23 August to George Pearse
Foaden Egyptian government official and John Henry Foaden shipping
manager. Effects £41049 3s. 8d.
The London Gazette 7 August 1925 p5325
Pursuant to the Act of Parliament of 22 & 23
Vic., c. 35.
NOTICE is hereby given, that all creditors and other persons
having any debts, claims or demands against the estate of John Hannibal
Foaden, late of Ashburton, Devon, deceased (who died on the 22nd day of
May, 1924, and whose will was proved in the Principal Registry of the
Probate Division of His Majesty’s High Court of Justice on the 23rd day
of August, 1924, by George Pearse Foaden and John Henry Foaden, the
executors therein named), are hereby required to send in the particulars
of their debts, claims or demands to us, the undersigned, the Solicitors
for the said executors, on or before the 17th day of September, 1925,
after which date the said executors will proceed to distribute the
assets of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims and demands of which they shall then have had
notice; and they will not be liable for the assets of the said deceased,
or any part thereof, so distributed to any person or persons of whose
debts, claims or demands they shall not then have had notice—Dated this
4th day of August, 1925.
DOBELLS, Plymouth, Solicitors for the said (073)
West Street, Ashburton, Devon
West Street, Ashburton, Devon
Antony Village, Antony St Jacobs, Cornwall
Ashburton, Devon
1881: West
Street, Ashburton, Devon
1891: West
Street, Ashburton, Devon
1901: West
Street, Ashburton, Devon
Ashburton, Devon
1924: Ashburton, Devon (England
& Wales, National Index of Wills and Administrations 1924 p291)
John Foaden
16 February 1851, in Ashburton,
Devon, England
John Foaden
(Dolling) Foaden
27 February 1864, in Newton
Abbot district, Devon, England, aged 13
North Street, Ashburton, Devon
Mulberry Cottage, Ashburton, Devon
Mary Ann (Foaden) Husson
1839, in Ashburton, Devon, England
Thomas Foaden
Susanna (Pearse) Foaden
Edward Husson on 23 August 1864, in
Abbot district, Devon, England.
Old Ashburton,
citing Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 26 August
1864 p5 col5
In 1864 Mary Ann, eldest daughter of the late Mr
T Foaden, married Edward Husson of Exeter.
Edward was born in 1840, in Ashburton, Devon, the son of Edward Husson and
Elizabeth Penny. He was the brother of Elizabeth Husson, who would marry
Mary Ann's brother, John, in 1867. In the 1861 census Edward's occupation is
listed as Inn Keeper Assistant (his father was proprietor of the Globe Inn
in Ashburton), but by 1871 he had moved to Plymouth and was working as a
Commercial Agent and in 1881 he is an Ale Agent in Compton-Gifford. Edward
died on 8 June 1887 at Ringmoor Villa, Mannamead, Plymouth, aged 47.
England & Wales,
National Index of Wills and Administrations 1887 p247
Edward 18 July. The Will of Edward Husson formerly of 37
Okehampton-street in the City of Exeter Traveller but late of Ringmoor
Villa Mannamead Plymouth in the County of Devon Commercial Agent
who died 8 June 1887 at Ringmoor Villa was proved at the Principal
Registry by Mary Ann Husson of Ringmoor Villa Widow the Relict the
sole Executrix.
Personal Estate £2,640 0s. 9d.
Census & Addresses:
North Street, Ashburton, Devon
1851: North
Street, Ashburton, Devon
1861: North
Street, Ashburton, Devon
Plymouth St Andrew, Devon
1881: Tavistock
Road, Compton-Gifford, Devon
1887: Ringmoor Villa, Mannamead, Plymouth, Devon (England
& Wales, National Index of Wills and Administrations 1887 p247)
Barmaid (1861)
23 June 1920, at Melbourne,
Teignmouth, Devon, England, aged 81
England & Wales,
National Index of Wills and Administrations 1920 p274
Mary Ann of Hillcroft Teignmouth Devonshire widow died 23 June
1920 at Melbourne Teignmouth Probate London 15 July to Ada Alice
Coyte (wife of Charles Coyte) and May Brown (wife of John Deans Brown).
Effects £3985 5s.
West Street, Ashburton, Devon
West Street, Ashburton, Devon
Golden Lion, East Street, Ashburton, Devon
Plymouth St Andrew, Devon
Tavistock Road, Compton-Gifford, Devon
1887: Ringmoor Villa, Mannamead, Plymouth, Devon (England
& Wales, National Index of Wills and Administrations 1887 p247)
Townsend Hill, Plymouth, Devon
1901: West
Teignmouth, Devon
Teignmouth, Devon
1920: Hillcroft, Teignmouth, Devon (England
& Wales, National Index of Wills and Administrations 1920 p274)
May (Foaden) Ford
May (Foaden) Ford,
Christmas 1913
photograph courtesy of Robert King
17 May 1885, at Ashburton Cottage,
Prince Alfred Street, Pietermaritzburg, Colony of Natal
Natal Witness 18 May 1885
Foaden, Birth , 17 May 1885
at Ashburton Cottage, Pmburg; wife of Albert Harry Foaden of a
Alfred Harry
Ann Frances (Tyzack) Foaden
Clifford Ford on 18 February 1911 in the Congregational Church,
Florida Road, Durban, Natal, South Africa
Joseph Clifford Ford is recorded as a bachelor, of full age. He is a coach
builder, resident in Maritzburg. May Foaden is recorded as a spinster, of
full age, resident in Durban. The marriage was witnessed by H.N.H. White and
Edgar Foaden.
In 1899, May gained a first-class
certificate in an Art examination in Freehand Drawing - Elementary stage. At
the time she was attending the Durban Girls Model School, but instructed in
art at the Durban Government Art School (Departmental Reports 1899 pG35)
26 May 1959, at Grey's Hospital,
Pietermaritzburg, Natal, South Africa, aged 74.
The cause of death is listed as recurrent cerebral haemorrhage and cerebral
arteriosclerosis, of duration 22 days.
Municipal Crematorium,
Pietermaritzburg, Natal, South Africa
May Foaden with her brothers - Frank
on the left and twins George and Edgar standing.
photograph from Esme Fuller
May Foaden (left) and her mother
Mary Ann (Tyzack) Foaden
photograph from Esme Fuller
May Foaden (left) and Joseph
Clifford Ford courting at the Bluff, Durban, on 5 September
1905. With Emily Winifred Elizabeth Ford (right) as
photograph courtesy of Robert
Wedding of Joseph Clifford Ford and
May Foaden on 18 February 1911 in Durban, Natal
L to R. Lillian Tonkin, H Norman H White, Joseph Clifford
Ford, May Ford née Foaden, Edgar Foaden, Emily Winnifred
Elizabeth Ford. Front: Joyce Tyzack
photograph courtesy of Robert
Fords at Kingston Lodge, Christmas
May (Foaden) Ford is seated on the right with Esmé Dolling
Ford on her lap.
photograph courtesy of Robert
May (Foaden) Ford, with her infant
daughter Esmé and her mother Mary Ann (Tyzack) Foaden
Christmas 1913
photograph courtesy of Robert
May (Foaden) Ford is sitting on the
left at the 80th birthday of her mother-in-law, Emily
(Risley) Ford at Kingston Lodge in November 1932.
photograph courtesy of Robert
your mouse to see more pictures; click on an image for enlargement
Pearse Foaden
1841, in Ashburton, Devon, England
Thomas Foaden
Susanna (Pearse) Foaden
Elizabeth Edmand in 1900, in
Edmonton district, Middlesex, England
Elizabeth was born in 1840/1, in Newmarket, Suffolk, according to the 1901
census, or in 1942/3 in London, according to the 1911 census. She is
probably the Elizabeth Foaden who died in Newton Abbot district, Devon, in
1912, aged 75, although that would put her birth in 1836/7.
Census & Addresses:
Victoria Grove, Stoke Newington, London
Ashburton, Devon
Carpenter & Joiner (1861);
Customs Officer (1871); Revenue Officer (1881); Examining Officer H.M.
Customs (1901)
When Pearse retired from the Customs service in 1901, aged 60, he was an
examining officer with 35 years of service. His salary was £194 5s., and he
received an annual superannuation allowance of £116 11s 8d. (Parliamentary Papers vol 41 p15).
5 December 1916, in Newton
Abbot district, Devon, England, aged 75
England & Wales,
National Index of Wills and Administrations 1917 p278
Pearse of West End House Ashburton Devonshire died 5 December
1916 Administration London 18 January to John Hannibal Foaden
contractor. Effects £792 1s. 5d.
Resworn £817 1s. 5d.
West Street, Ashburton, Devon
West Street, Ashburton, Devon
1861: Lower
Union Street, Tormoham, Devon
1871: St
Pancras, Middlesex
1874: 14 College Place, Crowndale Road, Camden Town, Middlesex (London
Gazette 28 February 1874 p1177)
1880: 14 College Place, Crowndale Road, Camden Town, Middlesex (London
Gazette 25 February 1880 p1181)
College Place, St Pancras, Middlesex
Victoria Grove, Stoke Newington, London
Ashburton, Devon
1916: West End House, Ashburton, Devon (England
& Wales, National Index of Wills and Administrations 1917 p278)
Sarah Louisa Foaden
8 April 1847, in Newton
Abbot district, Devon, England
John Foaden
(Dolling) Foaden
11 February 1851, in Newton
Abbot district, Devon, England
Sarah Catherine (Foaden) Foulkes
1854, in Ashburton, Devon, England
John Foaden
(Dolling) Foaden
Drew Foulkes in 1885, in Newton
Abbot district, Devon, England
Draper's Apprentice (1871)
Sarah was granted probate of the
estates of her sister Clara and her brother Herbert, both in 1925, and of
her husband, Edward, in 1935.
15 July 1935 at the Kings
College Hospital, Camberwell, London, England, aged 80
England & Wales,
National Index of Wills and Administrations 1935 p399
Sarah Catherine of 25 Lawrie Park-road Sydenham Surrey widow
died 15 July 1935 at the Kings College Hospital Surrey Probate London
9 September to Lloyds Bank Limited. Effects
£1461 8s. 9d.
Mulberry Cottage, Ashburton, Devon
Crediton, Devon
1881: West
Street, Ashburton, Devon
1891: St
Germans Road, Lewisham, London
Devonshire Road, Lewisham, London
Lewisham, London
1935: 25 Lawrie Park Road, Sydenham, Surrey (National
Index of Wills and Administrations 1935 p399)
Thomas Foaden
1790/1, in Drewsteignton, Devon,
Easton on 18 November 1813, in Ashburton, Devon, England
The Sun Inn, in Ashburton, Devon. This
photo was taken about 1900, some 50 years after Thomas was
innkeeper there.
Innkeeper and woolsorter.
Thomas was innkeeper at the Sun Inn, North Street, Ashburton in the years
1822 (Pigot's Directory) and 1824 to 1827, but by
1836 he was proprietor of Ashburton's London Inn (Old
Ashburton, citing Western Times 9
January 1836 p4). In 1851 he returned to the Sun Inn, which then passed to
his wife on Thomas's death
Old Ashburton,
citing Western Times 1 September 1855 p7
A dispute went to court in 1855 between W R
Whiteway and John Foaden (Thomas's son), over who was responsible for
paying for malt supplied by Mr. Whiteway.
A Mr Johnstone had left the Sun Inn in 1851, and John Foaden's parents had
taken it over. Malt had been supplied to Mr Foaden's parents, but at the
request of their son; there was also the question of how involved John and
his wife were in the running of the inn. At one stage it was asserted that
both the defendant and the the defendant's wife had assisted at the inn
during fair-days and holidays, but when Thomas Foaden, John's father, died
in 1852, the name over the door was changed from Thomas Foaden to Ann
When called to the stand John Foaden said that his father had been
landlord of the Sun Inn before the London Inn, and had always wanted to
Judgement was given for the defendant.
24 August 1852, in Ashburton, Devon,
West Street, Ashburton, Devon
North Street, Ashburton, Devon
- Aged 60 in 1851 census;
place from 1851 census
- England
Marriages batch M050201
- 1841 census states
"inn keeper"; 1851 census states "inn keeper & woolsorter"; 1861
census lists his widow as "Widow of an Innkeeper"; lists of Victuallers
Recognizances and Certificates of Suitability to Hold a Licence
held at the Devon Record Office record, in Ashburton, "Thomas Foaden,
Sun Inn" in 1824, 1825, 1826 & 1827 (References: QS/63/3/12/027,
QS/63/5/01/115, QS/63/7/10/009 and& QS/63/7/06/020)
- England Death Index
(3Q1852 Newton Abbott vol 5b p87); exact date from Old
Ashburton, citing Western Times 28
August 1852 p4
- Thomas Foaden
Thomas Foaden
1815, in Ashburton, Devon, England
12 October 1815, in Ashburton,
Devon, England
(Easton) Foaden
Susanna Pearse
Susanna was born in 1813, in Ashburton, Devon, and baptised there on 29
December 1813, the daughter of John Pearse and Mary. In the 1861 census, her
occupation is listed as a housekeeper. She married, secondly, John Barnes on
20 October 1867 in East Stonehouse, Devon. John died in 1873 and Susanna
died on 25 January 1892, in Newton
Abbot district, Devon, aged 78.
England & Wales,
National Index of Wills and Administrations Wills 1892 p132
BARNES Susanna of Ashburton
Devon widow died 25 January 1892 Probate London 30 May to John
Hannibal Foaden contractor Effects
£1583 10s. 5d.
Census & Addresses:
West Street, Ashburton, Devon
West Street, Ashburton, Devon
1861: West
Street, Ashburton, Devon
1867: Stonehouse, Devon (marriage
Buckland in the Moor, Devon
1881: West
Street, Ashburton, Devon
1891: West
Street, Ashburton, Devon
Builder (1841); Mason &
Slater (Master) (1851)
5 April 1854, in Newton
Abbot district, Devon, England
West Street, Ashburton, Devon
West Street, Ashburton, Devon
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