The Gould Family
George Thomas Ingelheim (Jackson) Gould
7 February 1845, in Cremone, Italy
Hamilton Llewellyn Jackson
Henrietta Amelia (Donadelli) Jackson
Louisa O' Grady on 29 June 1880 in Cork district, county Cork,
George was a captain in the the
Royal Engineers. George, then George Jackson, was made lieutenant on 17
April 1866. (1867
list), stationed in Ireland until 1871.
The Royal Engineer Journal of 1871 notes that
"Lieut. G.I. Jackson has been permitted to alter his name to Gould." and
that "This officer has arrived in England from Bermuda and is now on Leave".
George Gould was then stationed in Devonport in 1872
and in Gibralter in 1873
through 1877.
In 1878,
George was stationed in Cork Harbour, Ireland, and he was promoted to
Captain on 31 December 1878 (1880
list). In the 1881
List, George is noted as commanding the 18th company of the Royal
Engineers, stationed in Cork Harbour. George retired "receiving a gratuity,
with permission to retain his rank, and to wear the prescribed uniform" on 6
December 1881 (London Gazette 6 December 1881 p6554). He
was listed in the Reserve until 1895.
The county families of the United Kingdom p555
by Edward Walford (1919)
THOMAS INGELHEIM, of Upwey, Dorset.
Eldest son of Hamilton Llewellin Gould, Esq.,
of Upwey, who d. 1891, by
Henrietta Amelia, who d. 1873,
3rd dau. of the late Signor John Donadelli; b.
1845; m. 1880 Ellen Louisa,
who d. 1918, 2nd dau. of the
late Standish Darby O'Grady, Esq., of Aghamarta, Co. Cork, and has, with
other issue, a son, *George Ingelheim, D.S.O., Major 2nd Lancers, Indian
Army; b. 1882; m.
1916 Florence Bridgman-Smith, of New York, U.S.A. Capt. Gould, who was
educated at the R. Mil. Academy, Woolwich, and was formerly Capt. R.E.,
is Lord of the Manor of Upwey.—Residence: Sandford
Park, Ranelagh, Dublin; Union Club, s.w.
Hamilton Llewellyn Jackson, having succeeded to the Gould estates of Upwey,
Dorsetshire, changed his name to Hamilton Llewellyn Gould by royal license
dated 20th of April 1871. On his death 23rd of April 1873, his son George
Thomas Ingelheim Gould succeeded to the estates of Upwey, Dorset as well as
Fanningstown, county Limerick, which had been in the Jackson family. In
1921, George granted a 50 year lease of shale mines at Upwey to the National
Oil company for £150 per annum.
and Other State Intelligence (1871), Part 1, p520:
April 20, 1871
The Queen has been pleased to grant unto
Hamilton Llewellyn Jackson, of Upway, in the county of Dorset, Esquire,
son of Thomas Jackson, late of Fanningstown, in the county of Limerick,
Esquire, Her Royal licence and authority that he and his issue may, in
compliance with a clause contained in the last will and testament of his
aunt Catherine Barbara Jackson, late of Fleet House, in the said county of
Dorset, Spinster, deceased, take and henceforth use the surname of Gould
only, and that he and they may bear the arms of Gould quarterly with those
of Jackson; such arms being first duly exemplified according to the laws
of arms, and recorded in the College of Arms, otherwise the said Royal
licence and permission to be void and of none effect:
And to command that the said Royal
concession and declaration be registered in Her Majesty's College of Arms.
George was an enthusiastic hunter of wildfowl, and a great friend of Sir
Ralph Payne-Gallwey, a fellow shooter, who wrote a number of books on the
subject and mentions his shooting companion, George, in a number of places.
In The Fowler in Ireland p11 (Sir Ralph
Payne-Gallwey, 1882), we read:
The best aggregate day's sport in my experience,
was one hundred and thirty-nine Duck and Wigeon, killed by Captain Gould,
R.E., and myself, from our punt off the West Coast; the heaviest shot
stopped sixty birds, and four shots were fired.
The Watergeuse,
a 55-foot shooting yacht owned by George Gould
From Shooting (Moor and Marsh) p255 (Sir Ralph
Payne-Gallwey (1886):
The sketch given on p. 256 of a shooting yacht
represents the 'Watergeuse,' a Dutch 'schokker' with lee board. She is 55
feet long, 16 feet beam, 3 feet 10 inches draught, and her crew consists
of two men and a boy. She is admirably suited for shallow waters, and is
the property of our friend Captain G. Gould, of wildfowl shooting fame,
with whom we have shared excellent sport for a number of years.
The same book contains, on page
282, an extensive account of :
to Young Shooters Third Series: Wildfowl and Wildfowl-Shooting
pp149-150 (Sir Ralph Payne-Gallwey, 1896) contains more information
from George displaying his engineering background:
I have long been of opinion that the pace of
flight of many of our Wildfowl, especially that of the SURFACE-FEEDING
DUCKS has been greatly under-estimated, and that 130 to 150
miles per hour is much nearer the mark than the accepted 50 or 60. In
relation to this subject, my friend Captain G. Gould (so well known as a
wildfowl shooter), writes to me, 'I have lately made some observations on
the night of TEAL, and I consider them as accurate as
anything of the kind can be. I selected two promontories on the sea-shore
by measurement a mile apart, and I stood half-way between each. Several
small lots of TEAL passed, and I took their time on eight
occasions. The least period of flight between the two points was 20
seconds, and the longest 25 seconds, the latter giving a speed of 144
miles per hour. There was a moderate breeze against
the birds, they flew very low, they could not possibly have gone a
straighter course, and from my elevated position on land I was able to
record with great precision the time they occupied in passing from the one
point to the other.'
Note that George's scientific accuracy does not seem to have matched his
shooting accuracy. The flight speed of the teal is nowadays accepted at
about 30-40 mph, with other waterfowl being clocked at 40-60 mph (
On page
342, we read about the enthusiasm George had for killing waterfowl:
My friend Captain George Gould, who has killed
more wildfowl of every kind than anyone else of my acquaintance, sends me
(as given below) the weights of some of the heaviest COMMON
SNIPE he has shot in the British Islands.
Scotland, January 6, 1887.-One Snipe turned the scale at 6 oz. ...
Captain Gould also appears in Wild-fowl (1905) in the section on by
Shooting the Duck and the Goose on Continental Waters by W.H, Pope, we find
mention both of the extraordinary number of birds that George shot, as well
as the scientific value of his notes and diaries:
No less attractive to the vast numbers of fowl
which visit the coast of Schleswig-Holstein are the extensive banks lying
off the Island of Nordstrand. Hereabouts there is not much mud, but in the
Dollart, between Groningen and East Friesland, a large amount of it
exists. The sea grass (Zostera marina),
however, does not grow either on the sand or mud in the Dollart, and
widgeon are consequently rare visitors, though wild ducks and teal are
extremely plentiful. It was here that in the autumn of 1897 Captain Gould
says he killed 951 teal in twenty three days' shooting
The excellence of the sport which is obtainable
on these coasts with the punt-gun may be gathered from the following
details taken from Captain Gould's 'Wild Fowl Diary':-
In 1894-95 his total bag was 1,453 head, comprising: wild ducks, 52;
widgeon, 1,119; teal, 197; pintails, 29; grey geese, 38; black geese, 14;
and goosanders, 4. The four best days were from October 2 to October 6,
when he fired six shots and bagged 315 widgeon.
In 1897-98 the bag was 1,808 fowl. He was afloat on forty-three days
and fired 67 shots, the best shot being 121 widgeon, on November 4, in the
Lauwers Zee.
The following season although the total did not exceed 1,478 he
obtained some of the most remarkable shooting ever achieved with a
punt-gun. The entries in the 'Diary' read as follows:-
1898. October 11. Lauwers Zee. One shot, 149 widgeon.
" November 11. Lauwers Zee One shot, 105 widgeon
and 17 teal.
" November 29. Dollart. One shot, 132 teal.
These marvellous performances were accomplished with a gun firing 32
ounces of shot - 75 pellets to the ounce - and six ounces of powder. The
fowl were collected by himself and punter without assistance, and no birds
were counted which were not picked up on the spot and brought home in the
Shots exceeding one hundred birds are so rare that it is instructive
to learn the conditions under which they were obtained. Captain Gould
When the shot of 149 was got the widgeon were placed to perfection
on a steep sloping bank. From the lowest birds to the highest the distance
was not more than six feet. The pack, however, did not contain an
unusually large number of birds, nor were they so placed that I could fire
along the line. The other shots were taken at fowl on gently sloping
banks, but at close quarters, the range being about fifty yards.
He adds that, although he has fired each year in Holland at many
similar packs of widgeon, the shots were generally taken at ranges varying
from seventy to eighty yards. In the light of these remarks, therefore, it
would seem that close quarters and medium-sized shot constitute the recipe
for making a heavy bag of fowl.
I have already briefly referred to the movements
of fowl during the autumn migration on the coast of Groningen and
Friesland; but the following notes, supplied to me by Captain Gould,
concerning the migration of brent and widgeon, in 1894, are so interesting
that I need make no apology in appending them for the benefit of those
fowlers who are not acquainted with these phenomena.
Parenthetically he says, prior to the date when his observations
began there had been a passage of fowl and he had shot many widgeon. The
migrations in other seasons were similar in regard to times and intensity,
but the dates varied considerably according to the direction of the wind
and other circumstances:-
22, 1894.- At anchor off the coast in my yacht. Some small lots (10-12
each) of widgeon arrived to-day at long intervals. They began coming about
8 A.M., and the last I saw was about 5 P.M.
A few lots of brent also arrived. Wind N.N.E.
September 23.- A good many
parties of brent (15-20 each) passed to-day. The passage started soon
after daybreak, and ended about 1 P.M. No widgeon seen
passing. One lot of grey geese (21) went west. Wind N.N.E.
September 24 and 25.- A few lots
of brent passed. Wind E.
September 26.- Some large gaggles
of brent arrived to-day. No widgeon seen coming, but there are a great
many more here than yesterday. Wind S.E. last night and N.N.E. to-day. A
fresh breeze.
September 27.- Wind N.W., blowing
very hard. A few small parties of brent passed.
September 28.- Immense numbers of
brent passed to-day beginning before 7 A.M. They varied in
number from 10 to 60 or 70 in a lot, but towards evening they became
larger, and the last two gaggles which I saw pass just before 6 P.M.,
comprised about 200 birds each. Hardly any widgeon seen passing, but there
are more on the banks than yesterday. Wind N.E., fresh squally.
September 29 Passage of brent
temporarily over; not more than half a dozen lots passed. Wind E., in
morning, N.E. towards evening, and fresh.
The second large migration occurred in mid-October, and subjoined
are his observations:-
October 14, 15, and 16.- Wind
N.E., very fresh. Immense numbers of widgeon and brent passed on these
days, chiefly between 2 and 5 P.M.
October 17.- Wind changed to W.,
and flight ended.
Again, on
November 15.- I left the yacht,
which sailed to the Lauwers Zee. On the voyage my men told me that masses
of widgeon passed; but in the Lauwers Zee they were evidently out of the
'Trek,' and they do not know how long the passage lasted. None of the
widgeon, however, stopped in the Lauwers Zee.
... It is to be regretted that fowlers
as a rule do not devote more attention to the subject of migration and
record their experiences in some systematic form in their diaries For
scientific as well as sporting purposes such material would prove useful
and interesting
General Armory of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales p415
(Upwey, co. Dorset; exemplified to HAMILTON LLEWELLYN JACKSON, eldest surviving son of THOMAS JACKSON, Esq., of Fanningstown, co. Limerick, and grandson
Esq., of same place, by BARBARA GOULD, his wife, dau. of WILLIAM READ, Esq., of Bradford, co. Wilts, and BARBARA, his wife, sister and heiress of JAMES GOULD, Esq., of Upwey, upon his assuming, by royal licence,
1871, the name of GOULD
in place of JACKSON).
Quarterly, 1st and 4th, per saltire az. and or, a lion ramp,
counterchanged, for GOULD; 2nd and 3rd, ar. a greyhound courant ermines betw.
three eagles' heads erased sa., for JACKSON. Crest-- An arm embowed vested vert. holding in the hand a
flagstaff ppr. therefrom flowing a banner or, charged with three barrulets
wavy az. on a canton ar. a cross gu. Motto--
22 February 1934 in Weymouth, Dorset,
England, aged 89
26 February 1934 in Upwey, Dorset,
Southern Times 3 March 1934
We regret to announce the death at Weymouth on Thursday of Captain
George Thomas Ingelheim Gould, Lord of the Manor of Upwey. He was 89 years
of age. The late Captain Gould had no permanent residence in the district,
although he was the principal landowner, and his ancestors have been the
manorial lords since the 17th century. They held the Manor or tithing of
Wabeyouse, or Waybayeux or Waybayard (the latter giving the name to
Bayard's Farm). There are two other manors of Upwey - the Manor of
Stottingway, and the Manor of Elwell, or Ridgeway, of which the Earl of
Ilchester is lord.
The Upwey estate together with other properties in Dorset have been
in the family of Gould for more than 300 years. The benefactions of the
family to the parish and also to the neighbouring manor of Fleet are well
known. Among the gifts, two of the bells in the tower, together with
church plate and educational benefactions, have been presented. Captain
Gould's interest in the welfare of all his tenants was manifest, and in a
large measure the happy state of the village has been due to his
Captain Gould succeeded his father, Captain Hamilton Llewellyn
Gould, an officer in the Austrian Army, in 1891. The Upwey estate was
bequeathed to his father by his cousin, Miss Catherine Barbara Jackson,
who had in turn been left it by her cousin, the Rev. George Gould.
Captain Gould served in the Royal Engineers in his younger days,
but retired from the Army at a comparatively early age. After leaving the
Army he resided for many years in Ireland and married a Miss O'Grady, of
County Cork.
After her death he lived in England and abroad from 1921. He was
very fond of sport, especially yachting and shooting. He held one or two
records for bags of geese and duck that fell to his punt gun. He travelled
extensively and spent a good deal of his life in Morocco for sport before
the country was settled and afterwards, although
advanced in years, he revisited it and motored to many places which had
been opened up to such traffic. He lived in Weymouth for three or four
There are three surviving members of the family - Colonel George
Ingelheim Gould, D.S.O., the eldest son (who is at present on his way home
from India), Mr. Hubert Louis Gould (who is living in Vancouver), and Mrs.
Allen, of Hove, who married Colonel Allen, of the Indian Army (retired).
Captain Gould's second son died unmarried three of four years ago.
Tenants of the Manor were among those who attended the funeral at
Upwey on Monday afternoon. The Rev. J. Hingston, of All Saints,
Babbacombe, a nephew of the late Captain Gould, officiated, assisted by
the Rector of Upwey (the Rev. A. S. Bryant). A short service was conducted
in the church by the rector, with the choir in attendance. the hymn, "Let
saints on earth," and the Nunc Dimittis were sung.
The principal mourners were Colonel and Mrs. Allen (son-in-law and
daughter), the Rev. J. Hingston, Miss Hingston (niece), Mrs. Travers Smith
(niece), and Mrs. Owen Wynne. Among others present were Major and
Mrs. A. G. Symonds, Mr. Robert Hayne, Mr. H. J. Holton, Mr. J. A. Symonds,
Mr. A. J. Willis, Mr. E. W. Willis, and Mr. E. S. Rogers. There were
several beautiful floral tributes.
The funeral arrangements were carried out by Messrs. Hallett and
Son, of Weymouth, under the personal supervision of Mr. T. F. Brookman.
1881: Camden Fort, Crosshaven, county Cork (executor of will of
Helena Hall Jackson London Gazette 16 December 1881)
1882: Ladywell, Glassan, county Westmeath (birth
record of son George)
1885: Ladywell, Glassan, county Westmeath (birth
record of son Standish)
1901: St Martin
in the Fields, London
1911: 19
Stradbrook Road, Monkstown, county Dublin
1919: Sandford Park, Ranelagh, Dublin (The county families of the United Kingdom by
1920: Stradbrook Hall, Blackrock, county Dublin (manifest
the Carmania 13 May 1920)
George Ingelheim Gould
June 1882 at Ladywell, Glassan, county Westmeath, Ireland
George was born on June Thirteenth
Twentieth 1882 at Ladywell, the son of George T. Gould,
gentleman late captain, of Ladywell, and Ellen Gould formerly OGrady. A note
on the record states that the error in column 2 (date) is in the copy only.
Thomas Ingelheim Gould
Louisa (O' Grady) Gould
Florence Bridgman-Smith in
Florence was of New York, United States
Army Officer (Indian
Cavalry). George was decorated with the Distinguished Service Order.
George joined the British Army as a second lieutenant in the East Surrey
Regiment. He was promoted to lieutenant on 27 May 1903 (London Gazette 9 October 1903 p6152), then
transferred to the 2nd Lancers (Gardner's Horse) in the Indian Army on 2
October 1906, ranking from 8 August 1903 (London Gazette 7 May 1907 p3085). He was
promoted to captain on 8 May 1910 (London Gazette 21 June 1910 p4384), and was
a major at his marriage in 1916. George was appointed brigade
major on 25 December 1916 (London Gazette 23 January 1917 p913), and
awarded the Distinguished Service Order in May 1918 (London Gazette 31 May 1918 p6459). He was
appointed brigade major of the 5th Indian cavalry brigade on 22 September
1920 (London Gazette 14 December 1920 p12302),
relinquishing this appointment on 8 July 1922 (London Gazette 6 October 1922 p7051). On 1
July 1923, George, listed as a major in the 16th Cavalry, was appointed
General Staff Officer 2nd grade, Army Headquarters, General Staff Branch.
(M.T.2) (London Gazette 12 October 1923 p6881),
relinquishing the appointment on 18 March 1924 (London Gazette 13 June 1924 p4675). George
was promoted to lieutenant-colonel on 21 April 1927 (London Gazette 17 June 1927 p3908). On 24
October 1831, George was appointed assistant adjutant and
quartermaster-general (London Gazette 8 January 1932 p202),
vacating the appointment with the rank of colonel on 6 August 1935 (London Gazette 1 November 1935 p6905)
Helena Frances Irma (Gould) Allen
1 June 1881, at Aghamarta,
Templebreedy, county Cork, Ireland
Helena Frances was born on First June 1881 at Aghamarta, the daughter of
George T. I. Gould, Capt. R. E., of Crosshaven, and Ellen Louisa Gould
formerly O'Grady.
George Thomas
Ingelheim Gould
Louisa (O' Grady) Gould
John Frederick Allen on 14
November 1913, in Bombay, Bombay, India.
John Frederick Allen is recorded as single, aged 33, the son of William
Allen. Helena Frances Irma Gould is described as single, aged 32, the
daughter of George Thomas Irglehinie Gould.
John was born in 1879/80, the son of William Allen. On 20 January 1900,
John, then a gentleman cadet at the Royal Military College, was commissioned
as second lieutenant with a view to his appointment to the Indian Staff
Corps (London Gazette 19 January 1900 p362). He
was promoted to lieutenant on 20 April 1902 (London Gazette 29 August 1902 p5608) and to
captain in the 37th Dogras on 20 January 1909 (London Gazette 26 March 1909 p2354). Major
Allen was given the temporary rank of Lt-Colonel while holding the
appointment of Controller of Military Accounts from 21 February 1920 to 31
August 1921 (London Gazette 4 July 1922 p5040), and
promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel on 20 January 1926 (London Gazette 5 March 1926 p1654). John
retired on 21 January 1929 (London Gazette 25 January 1929 p620). He
died on 7 August 1953 in Hove
district, East Sussex, and is buried at Downs Crematorium, Brighton,
East Sussex, England.
1953: 21 Hove Park Road, Hove, Sussex (London Gazette 22 September 1953 p5097)
20 January 1975 in Brighton
district, East Sussex, England, aged 93
Memorial to John Frederick Allen and
Helena Frances Irma (Gould) Allen in Downs Crematorium, Brighton,
East Sussex
Downs Crematorium, Brighton, East
Sussex, England
1901: St Martin
in the Fields, London
1911: 19
Stradbrook Road, Monkstown, county Dublin
1975: 21 Hove Park Road, Hove, Sussex (London Gazette 17 February 1975 p2214)
Herbert Louis Gould
15 November 1885, at Corkagh
House, Clondalkin, county Dublin, Ireland
A male child was born on November Fifteenth 1885 at Corkagh House,
Clondalkin, the son of George Thomas Ingelheim Gould, gentleman, of Corkagh
House, and Ellen Louisa Gould formerly O'Grady. On 7 January 1886, the name
Herbert Louis was added.
Thomas Ingelheim Gould
Louisa (O' Grady) Gould
Anna Dorothy Zachan
Officer in the Royal Garrison
Artillery (Militia)
The London Gazette 23 June 1905 notes:
The Dublin City
; Herbert Louis Gould, Gent., to be Second Lieutenant. Dated 10th June,
9 June 1949, in Vancouver,
British Columbia, Canada, aged 63
1911: 19
Stradbrook Road, Monkstown, county Dublin
1934: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (obituary of his father)
Standish Charles Gould
3 January 1885, at the National
Maternity Hospital, Holles Street, Dublin, county Dublin, Ireland
A male child was born on Third January 1885 at 30 Holles Street, the son of
George Thomas Ingelheim Gould, R.E. retired, of Ladywell, Athlone, and Ellen
Louisa Gould formerly OGrady. On 17th February 1885, the name Standish
Charles was added.
Thomas Ingelheim Gould
Louisa (O' Grady) Gould
Standish was an officer in the
the 89th Punjabis, Indian Army. The London Gazette on 8 January 1904 pp181-182
includes Standish in a list of "Gentleman Cadets, from the Royal Military
College, to be Second Lieutenants, with a view to their appointment to the
Indian Army. Dated 9th January 1904". On 9 April 1906, Standish was promoted
to Lieutenant in the 89th Punjabis (London Gazette 17 July 1906) and on 9
January 1913, he was made Captain in the Indian Army, at that time in "Civil
Employ." (London Gazette 11 February 1913)
In 1920, Standish listed his occupation as a police officer.
Standish is found on the manifest
the Carmania arriving in New
York from Liverpool on 13 May 1920, expecting to stay for three months. He
lists his place of birth as Dublin, and his last permanent residence as
Blackrock. His occupation is given as a police officer. Standish's height is
given as 5'11", with black hair, grey eyes and sallow complexion.
1929, in Pancras district, London,
England, aged 44
1920: Blackrock, county Dublin (manifest
the Carmania 13 May 1920)
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