The Westwick Family
Agnes (de Westwick) de Hertlington
Serlo de
William de Hertlington
Yorkshire deeds vol 5 in Yorkshire
Archæological Society Record Series vol 69 pp102-3 (ed.
Charles Travis Clay, 1926)
260. Grant by Serlo de Westwic to William de Hertlington, in
marriage with his (the grantor’s) daughter,4 of eight acres
of land in the territory of Middelton, with a toft and croft adjacent,
which had remained in his hand when he granted to Sir Robert de
Plumpt[on] his other land of the same vill in marriage with the lady
Isabel his daughter; to hold of the grantor, freely, in wood and plain,
meadows and pastures, ways and paths, and all easements, rendering
yearly 1d. at Christmas and doing the forinsec service for so
much land. Witnesses, Sir R. de Plumpt[on], Alan de Kirkebi, Master W.
de Stauel’, W. de Plumpton, Alexander de Routhecliv’. (Ibid.[Y.A.S.,
MD 59, 14, Middleton], No. 3.)
Grant by Matthew son of Sir Serlo de Westwic to William de
Hertlingt[on], in marriage with the grantor’s sister, of a bovate of
land with appurtenances in Middelton, which he had purchased of Ernald
of the same vill; to hold freely, in wood and plain, ways and paths,
moors and marshes, and all easements within the vill and without,
rendering yearly to the grantor 8d., half at Whitsuntide and half
at Martinmas, and doing the forinsec service for the said bovate.
Witnesses, Sir R. de Plumpt[on], Serlo de Westwic, William de Dunesford,
Robert his son, Alan de Kirkebi, Walter de Stauel’, Alexander de
Routheclive. (Ibid., No. 4.)
263. Grant3 by William de Herlintona to Ysolt (Ysoude)
daughter of Serlo de Westwik, her heirs or assigns, for her homage and
service, of a bovate of land in the vill of Middelton with its
appurtenances, which Arnald de Middelton had formerly held, and which
the grantor had taken in marriage with Agnes his wife, daughter of the
said Serlo, and of eight acres of land in the same vill as was contained
in the charter of the said Serlo by which the said Agnes had been
endowed at marriage (maritata), together with the tofts and
crofts belonging thereto; to hold of the grantor, with all easements
within the vill and without, rendering yearly 8d. and a barbed
arrow, to wit, 4d. and the arrow at Whitsuntide, and 4d.
at Martinmas, for all service, and doing the forinsec service for one
bovate. Witnesses, Patrick de Westwig, Roger then his chaplain, Gilbert
de Wetheley, Elias of the same, Hugh de Denton, Gilbert of the same,
Nigel de Nesfeld, Robert de Adingham, John Louend. (Ibid., No.
4 Her name was Agnes; see No. 263.
3 This and the following four grants, to the same
grantee, probably belong to about the middle of the thirteenth century;
Patrick de Westwick, a witness to them all, was living in 1251-2. (Vol.
iv, No. 244.)
Isabel (de Westwick) de Plumpton
Serlo de
de Plumpton
In her widowhood, Isabel appointed "Serlo de Plumpton" as her attorney in
a land dispute (Calendar of the Close Rolls Henry III 1234-1237 p378),
and it seem likely, considering her father's name, that Serlo was another
Ilkley: Ancient & Modern pp107-8
(Robert Collyer, 1885)
645.—(Ante 20 Henry III)
Sciant omnes psentes et futuri quod ego
Serlo de Westwicke dedi et concessi et hac psenti carta mea confirmavi
Robto filio Nigelli de Plumpton cu’ Isabella filia mea in libero
maritagio totu’ dmum meum in Middelton’ ’et duodecem bovatas terræ cum
omnibus ptinentiis in ead villa et tota’ terra’ mea’ in Scalewra sine
aliquo retenimento exceptis octo acris terræ arrabilis quæ remanebunt
dicto Serloni et excepto uno tofto pterea pastur’ ad sexaginta oves
cu’ exitu ear uno anno ac ad dece’ vaccas cu’ sequela ear duobus annis
et ad quinque equas cu’ sequela ear duobus annis Tenendas et habendas
de me et heredibus meis dict. Robto et Isabella & heredibus de eis
exeuntibus in feodo et hereditate libero et quiete & honorifice
cum omnibus ptinenciis et omnibus aisamentis ad dcam terram
ptinentibus pdcus vero Robtus. vel heredes sui facient inde forinsecu’
serviciu’ ad dcam terram ptinen’ unde sexdece’ carucatæ* terræ faciunt
feodu’ unius militis, Et ego Serlo et heredes mei warrantizabimus dcam
terra’ cum omnibus suis ptinentiis diet Robto et Isabellæ et heredibus
de eis exeuntibus contra omnes homines in dn.
Hiis testibus—Petro de Plumpton, Matheo de Bram, Richo de
Brereton, Alex, de Rauchdeline, Magro Ada de Melsonebie, Willo de
Oriliens, Roberto de Munketon, et Ingramo Cl’ico.
Hæc Carta habet sigillu’ in forma ovali in qua depingitur forma
trianguli habentis basim sursum in quo triangulo depingitur
fera rampant & in cir’ferencia sigilli hæc describuntur verba
Sigillu’ Serlonis de Westwick.
* Twelve, and fourteen, are sometimes given as a Knight’s Fee.
Yorkshire deeds vol 5 in Yorkshire
Archæological Society Record Series vol 69 pp102-4 (ed.
Charles Travis Clay, 1926)
259. Grant3 by Serlo de Westwik to Robert son of Nigel
de Plompton in frank-marriage with Isabel the grantor’s daughter, of all
his demesne in Middelton and twelve bovates of land with appurtenances
in the same vill, and all his land in Scalewra, except eight acres of
arable land and one toft; also pasture for sixty sheep with their one
year’s lambs (exitu), ten cows with their two years’ calves (sequela),
and ten mares with their two years’ foals (sequela); to hold of
the grantor, with all easements, the grantee doing forinsec service
where sixteen carucates made a knight’s fee. Witnesses, Peter de
Plomton, Matthew de Bram, Richard de Brereton, Alexander de Rautheclive,
Master Adam de Melsamebi, W. de Orihens, Robert de Munketon, Jerome (Jeram’)
the clerk. (Ibid.[Y.A.S., MD 59,
14, Middleton], No. 2.)
260. Grant by Serlo de Westwic to William de Hertlington, in
marriage with his (the grantor’s) daughter,4 of eight acres
of land in the territory of Middelton, with a toft and croft adjacent,
which had remained in his hand when he granted to Sir Robert de
Plumpt[on] his other land of the same vill in marriage with the lady
Isabel his daughter; to hold of the grantor, freely, in wood and plain,
meadows and pastures, ways and paths, and all easements, rendering
yearly 1d. at Christmas and doing the forinsec service for so
much land. Witnesses, Sir R. de Plumpt[on], Alan de Kirkebi, Master W.
de Stauel’, W. de Plumpton, Alexander de Routhecliv’. (Ibid., No.
264. Grant by Isabel, formerly wife of Sir Robert de Plumptona, in her
lawful widowhood, to Ysolt (Yseude) her sister, her heirs or
assigns, for her homage and service, of six bovates of land with tofts
and crofts and all appurtenances in the territory of Midelton, of which
bovates William Pinder formerly held two, William de Scalewra two, and
Elias de Stubbume two; to hold of the grantor, rendering two white
gloves at Easter, and doing the forinsec service for six bovates in
Midelton. Witnesses, John Vavasor, Hugh de Lelay, Patrick de Westwick,
Mauger Vavasor, Giles Mauleverer, Gilbert de Hwetelay, Hugh de Dentun,
Robert de Mideltona, Nigel de Nesfeud, Henry de Westscouc.1 (Ibid.,
No. 7.)
Copy in a fourteenth-century hand. The period of this and the following
two deeds is c. 1208, in which year four of the witnesses
witnessed a Follifoot document. (Vol. iv, No. 223.)
4 Her name was Agnes; see No. 263.
This place, which was not identified in the index to vol. iv, is Wescoe,
in Harewood.
Calendar of the Close Rolls Henry III 1234-1237 p378
Ysabella de Plumton’ attornavit Serlonem de Plumton’ contra
Robertum de Stiveton’ et Hawisiam uxorem ejus de terra in Ribbeston’.
This roughly translates as:
de Plumton’ attorney Serlon de Plumton’ against Robert de Stiveton’ and
Hawisia his wife for land in Ribbeston’.
Isabel survived her husband, who died
in 1230, and was alive in 1236.
Matthew de Westwick
Serlo de
Yorkshire deeds vol 5 in Yorkshire
Archæological Society Record Series vol 69 p103 (ed. Charles
Travis Clay, 1926)
Grant by Matthew son of Sir Serlo de Westwic to William de
Hertlingt[on], in marriage with the grantor’s sister, of a bovate of
land with appurtenances in Middelton, which he had purchased of Ernald
of the same vill; to hold freely, in wood and plain, ways and paths,
moors and marshes, and all easements within the vill and without,
rendering yearly to the grantor 8d., half at Whitsuntide and half
at Martinmas, and doing the forinsec service for the said bovate.
Witnesses, Sir R. de Plumpt[on], Serlo de Westwic, William de Dunesford,
Robert his son, Alan de Kirkebi, Walter de Stauel’, Alexander de
Routheclive. (Ibid.[Y.A.S., MD
59, 14, Middleton], No. 4.)
Serlo de Westwic
This charter had Serlo's seal, described as an oval shape in which is
depicted the shape of a triangle having the base upwards in which triangle
is depicted beasts rampant and in the circumference of the seal are the
words Seal of Serlo de Westwick.
Ilkley: Ancient & Modern pp107-8
(Robert Collyer, 1885)
645.—(Ante 20 Henry III)
Sciant omnes psentes et futuri quod ego
Serlo de Westwicke dedi et concessi et hac psenti carta mea confirmavi
Robto filio Nigelli de Plumpton cu’ Isabella filia mea in libero
maritagio totu’ dmum meum in Middelton’ ’et duodecem bovatas terræ cum
omnibus ptinentiis in ead villa et tota’ terra’ mea’ in Scalewra sine
aliquo retenimento exceptis octo acris terræ arrabilis quæ remanebunt
dicto Serloni et excepto uno tofto pterea pastur’ ad sexaginta oves
cu’ exitu ear uno anno ac ad dece’ vaccas cu’ sequela ear duobus annis
et ad quinque equas cu’ sequela ear duobus annis Tenendas et habendas
de me et heredibus meis dict. Robto et Isabella & heredibus de eis
exeuntibus in feodo et hereditate libero et quiete & honorifice
cum omnibus ptinenciis et omnibus aisamentis ad dcam terram
ptinentibus pdcus vero Robtus. vel heredes sui facient inde forinsecu’
serviciu’ ad dcam terram ptinen’ unde sexdece’ carucatæ* terræ faciunt
feodu’ unius militis, Et ego Serlo et heredes mei warrantizabimus dcam
terra’ cum omnibus suis ptinentiis diet Robto et Isabellæ et heredibus
de eis exeuntibus contra omnes homines in dn.
Hiis testibus—Petro de Plumpton, Matheo de Bram, Richo de
Brereton, Alex, de Rauchdeline, Magro Ada de Melsonebie, Willo de
Oriliens, Roberto de Munketon, et Ingramo Cl’ico.
Hæc Carta habet sigillu’ in forma ovali in qua depingitur forma
trianguli habentis basim sursum in quo triangulo depingitur
fera rampant & in cir’ferencia sigilli hæc describuntur verba
Sigillu’ Serlonis de Westwick.
Yorkshire deeds vol 5 in Yorkshire
Archæological Society Record Series vol 69 pp102-3 (ed.
Charles Travis Clay, 1926)
259. Grant3 by Serlo de Westwik to Robert son of Nigel
de Plompton in frank-marriage with Isabel the grantor’s daughter, of all
his demesne in Middelton and twelve bovates of land with appurtenances
in the same vill, and all his land in Scalewra, except eight acres of
arable land and one toft; also pasture for sixty sheep with their one
year’s lambs (exitu), ten cows with their two years’ calves (sequela),
and ten mares with their two years’ foals (sequela); to hold of
the grantor, with all easements, the grantee doing forinsec service
where sixteen carucates made a knight’s fee. Witnesses, Peter de
Plomton, Matthew de Bram, Richard de Brereton, Alexander de Rautheclive,
Master Adam de Melsamebi, W. de Orihens, Robert de Munketon, Jerome (Jeram’)
the clerk. (Ibid.[Y.A.S., MD 59,
14, Middleton], No. 2.)
260. Grant by Serlo de Westwic to William de Hertlington, in
marriage with his (the grantor’s) daughter,4 of eight acres
of land in the territory of Middelton, with a toft and croft adjacent,
which had remained in his hand when he granted to Sir Robert de
Plumpt[on] his other land of the same vill in marriage with the lady
Isabel his daughter; to hold of the grantor, freely, in wood and plain,
meadows and pastures, ways and paths, and all easements, rendering
yearly 1d. at Christmas and doing the forinsec service for so
much land. Witnesses, Sir R. de Plumpt[on], Alan de Kirkebi, Master W.
de Stauel’, W. de Plumpton, Alexander de Routhecliv’. (Ibid., No.
261. Grant by Matthew son of Sir Serlo de Westwic to William de
Hertlingt[on], in marriage with the grantor’s sister, of a bovate of
land with appurtenances in Middelton, which he had purchased of Ernald
of the same vill; to hold freely, in wood and plain, ways and paths,
moors and marshes, and all easements within the vill and without,
rendering yearly to the grantor 8d., half at Whitsuntide and half
at Martinmas, and doing the forinsec service for the said bovate.
Witnesses, Sir R. de Plumpt[on], Serlo de Westwic, William de Dunesford,
Robert his son, Alan de Kirkebi, Walter de Stauel’, Alexander de
Routheclive. (Ibid., No. 4.)
263. Grant3 by William de Herlintona to Ysolt (Ysoude)
daughter of Serlo de Westwik, her heirs or assigns, for her homage and
service, of a bovate of land in the vill of Middelton with its
appurtenances, which Arnald de Middelton had formerly held, and which
the grantor had taken in marriage with Agnes his wife, daughter of the
said Serlo, and of eight acres of land in the same vill as was contained
in the charter of the said Serlo by which the said Agnes had been
endowed at marriage (maritata), together with the tofts and
crofts belonging thereto; to hold of the grantor, with all easements
within the vill and without, rendering yearly 8d. and a barbed
arrow, to wit, 4d. and the arrow at Whitsuntide, and 4d.
at Martinmas, for all service, and doing the forinsec service for one
bovate. Witnesses, Patrick de Westwig, Roger then his chaplain, Gilbert
de Wetheley, Elias of the same, Hugh de Denton, Gilbert of the same,
Nigel de Nesfeld, Robert de Adingham, John Louend. (Ibid., No.
Copy in a fourteenth-century hand. The period of this and the following
two deeds is c. 1208, in which year four of the witnesses
witnessed a Follifoot document. (Vol. iv, No. 223.)
4 Her name was Agnes; see No. 263.
This and the following four grants, to the same grantee, probably belong
to about the middle of the thirteenth century; Patrick de Westwick, a
witness to them all, was living in 1251-2. (Vol. iv, No. 244.)
Ysolt de Westwick
Serlo de
Yorkshire deeds vol 5 in Yorkshire
Archæological Society Record Series vol 69 pp103-4 (ed.
Charles Travis Clay, 1926)
Grant3 by William de Herlintona to Ysolt (Ysoude)
daughter of Serlo de Westwik, her heirs or assigns, for her homage and
service, of a bovate of land in the vill of Middelton with its
appurtenances, which Arnald de Middelton had formerly held, and which
the grantor had taken in marriage with Agnes his wife, daughter of the
said Serlo, and of eight acres of land in the same vill as was contained
in the charter of the said Serlo by which the said Agnes had been
endowed at marriage (maritata), together with the tofts and
crofts belonging thereto; to hold of the grantor, with all easements
within the vill and without, rendering yearly 8d. and a barbed
arrow, to wit, 4d. and the arrow at Whitsuntide, and 4d.
at Martinmas, for all service, and doing the forinsec service for one
bovate. Witnesses, Patrick de Westwig, Roger then his chaplain, Gilbert
de Wetheley, Elias of the same, Hugh de Denton, Gilbert of the same,
Nigel de Nesfeld, Robert de Adingham, John Louend. (Ibid.[Y.A.S.,
MD 59, 14, Middleton], No. 6.)
264. Grant by Isabel, formerly wife of Sir Robert de Plumptona, in her
lawful widowhood, to Ysolt (Yseude) her sister, her heirs or
assigns, for her homage and service, of six bovates of land with tofts
and crofts and all appurtenances in the territory of Midelton, of which
bovates William Pinder formerly held two, William de Scalewra two, and
Elias de Stubbume two; to hold of the grantor, rendering two white
gloves at Easter, and doing the forinsec service for six bovates in
Midelton. Witnesses, John Vavasor, Hugh de Lelay, Patrick de Westwick,
Mauger Vavasor, Giles Mauleverer, Gilbert de Hwetelay, Hugh de Dentun,
Robert de Mideltona, Nigel de Nesfeud, Henry de Westscouc.1 (Ibid.,
No. 7.)
265. Grant by Robert de Mideltona to Ysolt (Ysode)
daughter of Serlo de Westwyck, her heirs or assigns, for her service, of
an acre of land in the territory of Midelton, which lay towards the west
in the culture called Walethflath, extending by Prestecroft from the way
leading towards Denton as far as the thorn-bushes (dumos) growing
in the intrenchment (vallo) in the said culture of Waleteflat, in
length and breadth fully one acre, with appurtenances; to hold of the
grantor with power to build on the acre or to make any other profit,
rendering yearly an arrow at Christmas for all secular service.
Witnesses, Hugh de Westona, Patrick de Westwyck, Gilbert de Hotteley,
Nigel son of Robert de Nescefeud, Walter de Haneley,2 Hugh de
Dentona, John de Snaudun, William de Westwyck, Richard the clerk. (Ibid.,
No. 8.)
266. Grant by Agnes daughter of Eneas de Mideltona, in her lawful
widowhood, to Ysolt (Ysode) daughter of Serlo de Westwic, her
heirs or assigns, for her homage and service and a sum of money given to
the grantor in her need, of a toft and two acres of land in Midelton,
namely, the toft which Robert son of Roger had formerly held, and the
two acres, of which one lay in Wathridig and the other in Hesphirth by
the land of Robert de Mideltona; to hold of the grantor, with all
easements both in feedings and other things within the vill and without,
rendering yearly a pair of gloves in Easter week for all secular
service. Witnesses, Sir Mauger Wawasor, Sir Patrick de Westwic, Walter
de Hauley, Nigel de Ousteby, Hugh de Dentona, Robert de Mideltona, Serlo
de Plumtona, Gilbert de Dentona. (Ibid., No. 9.)
267. Grant by William son of William son of Humphrey de
Mideltona, with the assent of Agnes his mother, to Ysolt (Yzeude)
daughter of Serlo de Westwik, her heirs or assigns, for her service and
a mark of silver given beforehand, of half an acre of land in the
territory of Midelton, lying by Bollebec, which was called
Langusehalfaker; to hold of the grantor, with all easements, rendering
yearly an arrow at Whitsuntide for all secular service. Witnesses, Sir
William de Yreby, Sir Mauger Vavasor, Sir Patrick de Westwic, Sir
Richard de Brertona, Robert de Mideltona, Hugh de Dentona, John de
Canssefeld, then bailiff of Westrithing, Thomas the clerk. (Ibid.,
No. 10.)
This and the following four grants, to the same grantee, probably belong
to about the middle of the thirteenth century; Patrick de Westwick, a
witness to them all, was living in 1251-2. (Vol. iv, No. 244.)
1 This place, which was not identified in the index
to vol. iv, is Wescoe, in Harewood.
2 Clearly so, but probably intended for “ Haueley.”
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